Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Found at Last. - How strange is the story of Tsumani victim recovery after two months buried. Yes in todays news there is an article from Islamabad of a 40 year old Pakistan who was found buried since the 8th of October. When the earthquake killed over 73,000 poeple and left more than 3.5 million with home homes; it was thought all suvivors were found.
Taken t

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Internet reveals all - I am taking the time to write
this blog before going to bed (work in 3 hours)
because it is an invisible world what the
internet can reveal of you. (personal note: Very Sorry Shirley)
I did not mean to do any injustice but was curious as to what the internet would tell me about a friend whom answered my inquiry on a online dating service. Her e-mail was unique ( so I did a google or other search of AVCname.

Being an honest person, I told her in an e-mail all that I had discovered. I have not heard from her since. But it is strange how just an e-mail can reveal so much. First the name of AVCname was only used three times. Her, a gentleman in California and a Russian. So I discovered she worked hard at two ventures. A on-line product sales and a support service for kids. I also discovered other things which I will mention late.
Using the unique e-mail address I was able to get the phone number and address of the on-line sales. But by doing a reverse on the telephone under I was able to get the home address and the name under which the telephone is listed.
I just wanted to learn about this individual, but the internet put me at her door. Address, telephone number etc. Even it suggested she was the child of a Australian family of 12.. Guess that was an error.
In all honesty, I told her what the search had revealed. I think that the internet is very dangerous as even the little registration can be located.
As an example, I can place a monitor on this blog and know whom reads it and from where they come. If they return or if they came from another page before. Each internet connection has an IP address which is supplied by your ISP (internet service provider) and this tells the viewer where you are. Ok where your ISP is located.
Dear friends, the invisible world is too much information leads to revealing a lot about you.
To be safe...
Do not have a unique login name... j.smith3425 is better than AVCname
Do not give too much detail... Example Yahoo members or MSN members can tell a lot
Do not give your phone number of if you must... Do not give the attachment name which allows someone to come to this telephone number
There are a lot of free e-mail providers Like Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN and others which allow you to read mail without being identified.
Use alias e-mails where possible... these e-mails send the mail to your mail box but give their name. ex smith@someting sends the mail to

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Everything in their place - There is an invisible world of labels. Everything must have it label on it like the sugar bowl, the salt shaker and even the taps in the bathroom. How do we know which tap is hot and which is cold if the top does not have H or C to tell us.
When driving down the street, do you know which light of the three hanging stop lights is green. Is it the top light or the bottom. (Yes, even I know the middle is yellow) Likewise, a plumber will tell you the hot is always on the left side of the sink.
In quebec, the plumbling is less expensive if the contractor purchases the bathroom faucets in English. The Americian market and its volume make for a enorous difference. But the french want the faucets to say Chaud et Froid or "C" and "F". Well the "C" of cold is moved to the left for "Chaud" and then they find a "F" for Froid. Sometimes the "H" of Hot on the English faucets are left there. "One arguement was "No one is going to burn them self with the "H" instead of "F" on the cold faucet.
Another way is to just not have any letters on the top of the Faucets. or An empty (non-letter) plug on the cold faucet.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Online Dating (Looking) - Does the internet and the many dating websites change the individual's attitude toward multi-dating. It is invisible to us how we must change our thinking for new technology.
When I was younger, many decades ago, we searched the halls of school for friends and finally a steady. We were free to look until we committed ourself to a single individual. After that everyone was just friends and we would not think of suggesting an encounter or meeting somewhere. We had decided upon one "Love of our life" even if it sometime did not last the complete school term

Now, as I search or Americian Singles I see a lot of 29 to 39 men and women looking for partners. I have found only a few on this rather expensive dating website. But the question I ask about the invisible world we creat around is "Do we communicate and attempt to develop relationships with several partners at the same time?"
Feeling guilt if I am e-mailing one individual, and receiving e-mails from several others; I ask is the e-mails like "the searching of the halls" and until you meet the individual in person you are still being politically correct. I guess, the old saying... "Telling the truth means never having to remember what lies you told" applies; as I would think three or four correspondance at a time can easily become confusing.
If you have payed for a year's membership and you are not in a hurry to find that right person, you may restrict your activities to one or two individuals. But a lot of these individuals may not be there later if you don't make contact immediately.
There is a feeling of false respresentation if several communications are maintained. Does this acceptance of multi-dating attempts lead individuals to accept the same several companions after a serious relationship has started. (an invisible effect on our morals)
I participate in a sport which collects 200 individuals together, after 4 years, I have seen or been interested in establishing an relationship with maybe two. How strange it is to be on the internet and searching Canada or a website for companions. As I write this blog has 26,122 members online in Canada and the USA.
Stop your laughing... some poeple do use the web to find companions... (invisible to a lot of poeple are the successful matches. home page shows a couple whom say "We met when Maria saw my profile and messaged me. I saw her picture and was surprised she was even on a personals site. "
P.S. No photo for this blog entry... Don't want to get you searching the dating sites...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pay your Bills Fast -
Sorry about another blog about money,
but guess I am surpise of the invisible
ways that poeple attempt to cheat each
other or their customers.
The company, where I work, has an arrangement with the employees; which allows them to charge their meals. When they pay these accounts, they receive an 20% discount.
I had a bill of a few months ago. It was just that one month I had 2 bills and payed one and left the other. The following month, the same thing. In the end, a bill of three months ago was paid this weekend.
However, the prices had changed. I was paying 75 cents for jus and now it is $1.oo which was not that bad. But the structure of the meals was also changed this pass few months. Where a customer could buy a Sandwickes for $3.25; it is now change to include two salades.
So when the manager, decided to put my bill into the cash register, I was suprise to find that my sandwickes were now $4.95. I had about 10 sandwicks over the month and now I was paying $1.70 more. Of course, I attempted to discuss it with the manager who replied
`"Nothing I can do. When I enter the sandwick into the cash register it gives me the price" "Maybe, it is best to arrange with the boss afterward" and then again, the 20% becomes a problem because it is reduced from the bill.
So I payed $65 on $80 lunches and know I must go beg for the difference. The discount saved me $15 and I probably lost $17 in this price increase on an old bill.
It is hard to explain why I waited 3 or 4 months to pay the bill. And wanting my job to be secure without problems... I guess I will probably not chase the boss for the differences.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

WHY Not Me Too??
Well on the way up the street,
I had to stop into the PC-Arcade
for this blog. Will first talk about the PC-Arcade. Here there are 12 PCs and being a Saturday night, 10 are taken. I have to write this Blog on the demo which normally is exhibiting the game in the front window.
All the 10 players here, are playing the same game. CALL TO DUTY. Each have their own terminal and with their own rifle. It is easily to tell they are all playing together as one yells "Watch Out Neal" another says... "Go Go.... Vite" Guess you know when they get shot because there is the occational $?&%!!22 If you have yet to join an online gaming... Guess it must be tried.<

The reason for entering for this blog, is the new time thing of blogs. If I don't get this in now the date will be tomorrow when I get back to the computer.

WHY not me too, came about as I stopped at the coffee shop (Gas bar) to get a medium Coffee. Coming to the cash, I asked how much... $1.83 was the reply. So I gave him a Twonny (2 dollar coin here in Canada) He returned me 15cents and I looked and asked. "You missed on the changes.?" His reply was. I always keep the cents.... "What I asked"

So he begins to explain to me that everyone who puts gas always misses by a cent or two and he has to pay that cent or two. So he says " When the change is a cent or two, I keep it to pay the gas." "Everyone, expect me to pay..." I replied. "Not me... I did not give you "$1.80".

Yes,!!! I thought that was a good one. So I stopped into the Cafénet to blog it.

Friday, December 02, 2005

No Fault Auto Insurance n QuebecHere in Québec, we have had "No Fault" Auto Insurance for a couple of decades. What is it.?? The insurance companies use to fight over whom was responsible for the accident and then the insurance company of the fault driver; would pay.
This required months of evaluations for auto repairs, so they agreed that the owner's company would pay the repairs immediately. Now after months of discussion the companies would find blame for the accident and increase the premiums of the guilty driver. Not so now. Noone to blame so quick insurance payment of repairs and the victim is left in the legal cold, unable to sue for damages.
For those poeple who are injured in the accident, it could take several years of discussion and even going to court to get money for the victim. I remember one friend whom was to get 25,000 settlement for her damage. When the lawyers got their fees and the other costs she had less than 15,000 and this was what was needed to pay the hospital bills not covered by Health Insurance. (Specialists and Consultation or other fees)
In the end, this friend got $6,500 send in a cheque 12 years after the accident.
This week, I saw a student hit by a car as she stepped of the curb to cross the street on a Green light. Yes, she had the right of way, with a green light, and also the driver had the right to turn right at the corner. Only problem, the student had the priority.
The student was hit and is in the hospital, A broken Hip I was told. The driver, whom I know because he plays the same sport as I do; said to someone "She just stepped out in front of me, I was not at fault."
Not any comment of guilt or regret, just how the insurance company will allocate blame. The student in the hospital is also telling someone she was not at fault; she had a green light. But what is the story. One person, injured and the other without any damage. Even with no fault insurance, the victim can not sue for damages. If they become handicap because of the accident, they can ask for the Motor Vechile Insurance Board to allocate an allowance. But again this can be a long fight and then the percentage of handicap. I once saw a vision impaired person being told that they could still work at such and such a job. So was not totally handicapped.
For you folks whom think that this is the great system, Remember... When it cost you something or you are afraid to be charged you drive carefully. When you are not at fault, (ture or not) you think nothing of the individual in the hospital. Just as long as you don't to pay something.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Moose is Lose - From a "Moose for the Pouchers to shoot" in Nova Scotia to " a rubber moose dummy " in Sweden and high technology warning methods in the USA; the Moose is lose in the news.
In an attempt to control illegal hunting of moose in Nova Scotia, the Wildlife Service has started catching Poucher with a new trick of using an Robot Moose. Yes, the first province to my knowledge which has set up a false (robotic) Moose for the Pouchers to shoot and attempt to harvest. Of course the Fish and Game Officials are near by to catch the illegial hunters.

It appears, the eyes of the moose reflect a spotlight, much the same way as a normal moose would at night. And the moose reaction to the presence of the poucher or illegal hunter is to continues to watch the hunter as he approaches. When the false Moose is shot it falls down. The articel also explained that the construction is such that it is capable of being shoot several times without much visual damage.

With the fine for illegal Moose hunting in Nova Scotia,up as high as 10,000$, this robot has paid for itself rather quickly. The photo in the Globe and Mail on the weekend past (25 November) shows the moose in a lake. I doubt if the photo is actual as it would be difficult to harvest if the false moose was position in the water.
While looking for the article which I read I found the following similar articles.<
""Mooses II," the Moose Dummy, May Help Develop Consumer GuidanceAccording to the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), about 80 people die in Sweden each year in collisions between automobiles and moose. A VTI report describes a method to crash test cars with a rubber moose dummy with the goal of eventually developing consumer guidance on the “moose safety” of a car model." (
Or another Americian story of attacking the Moose - Traffic problem with lazers and warnings. "But now some traffic engineers around the country are experimenting with redesigning roads to accommodate wandering wildlife and using high tech laser and infrared devices, developed for space exploration and anti-missile systems, to warn motorists when a moose wanders into the road." at

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Power Failure - As I sit through a "Country" power failure in Nova Scotia; I realize that after 30 years in the big city we don't know about this. It is an invisible world, being in an old farm house, in the country and the hydro goes out.
Do we know where the candles are ? Do we have flashlights ? Is there such a thing as a Colman Lamp? And then again, what do you do for 5 hours between 6pm and 11pm?

It was also an invisible world to listen to music from an old gramiphone which was cranked up by a lever and used old 78 vinyl disk. Checking the album information I discovered the album of 6 disks was copywrite in 1945. (60 years yes, and still worked good) I told my brother, you have the volume up too high and it is forcing the speakers. I was suprise to discovered it had no speakers but a wooden opening which came down from the needle to this large open wooden box. (behind a speaker type cover material)

So it is an invisible world to visit with old music (western) and candle light in a farmhouse.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Business Class - As I take the Airplane from Montreal to Moncton N.B; I must fly to Toronto and then back to New Brunswick from Toronto. I always thought that Business Class was like 1st Class; but I call it business class because it was all passengers in suits.

With the gentleman on the end of the row, using his Ipod and talking to his office (while we were waiting to Taxi); seemed to be inconvienced by the flight. The absence of children or families, just business poeple, which had boarded the flight to Toronto; I reasoned that it was because this was a 6:15 Friday commute flight. Working executives going home after a week of work.
We were only 5 passengers, who stayed on the plane as it debarked the Business gang, and loaded the Economy Class.

Now this was certainly a different type of poeple. No ties, not briefcases and a few families with babies. Before everyone got their seats, the announcement was "We have found a baby blanket here at the front, has anyone lost it". And because this flight had been a commute flight from Montreal to Toronto; there were a lot of comments like "Oh we have TV on this flight" or "This is nice, will be a nice flight".

So, it is an invisible world, especially to me, who has flown only once before; the different type of passengers which might be travelling.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Mind Set - Matters What we are thinking about and where our mind is SET can change what we think or hear. Seem stupid but invisible to us is how our minds prepares us for what we are going to receive. (photo
Like try thinking of how you must raise your arm to catch a tennis ball in you hand. Position it correctly for the receiving of the ball in the middle of the hand and close the hand around the ball as it hits the palm of our hand. Impossible to do but throw the ball to a friend and he will always be able to catch it with one hand... How? The mind does all the work.
Invisible to us.
I live in Quebec, and there are more french than english here. And of course the french language is not anything like english. masculine and feminine adjectives, articles and everything strange.
I know you do not want a French course. But imagine how our mind become prepared for the next word we hear. RED... what is next... yes an object RUN Get ready to go.. RUNNING going.
Would you believe that because of the masculine and feminine articles the french (speaking) individual does not even see humor the same.
We will play with words and wordplay will be the humor. (we laugh at the second meaning of the expression) French word play does not exist. Oh, yes, there are 7 types of Vert (glasses, glass, color,verse,toward) but they never seem to get a laugh out of something getting mixed up.
Also, once the mind is set to reveive a next word, the mind wants nothing more than that word. RED Foolish... still looks for a noun. We can't accept otherwise. I discovered this when talking with a 20 year long friend. I got the adjective mixed up and he could no way understand what I was saying. Vieux is masculine and Vieille is feminine
I was saying just two words Old Man "Vieux péré" with the word play of Péré being a religious order like monk.
My friend never married and we often called him the Pope.
But I got the adjective mixed and said "Vieille péré" No matter how I hard I tired to clearly pronounce "péré" he could not understand what I was saying.
In reality his mind was set to reveive a feminine word and he was fighting with the sound of Péré to find a feminine word which sounded like it. The "Vieille" had set the mind for the next word. Certainly an invisible world... How the mind forces us to see and hear what we expect.
A quick invisible world look.... did you ever wonder where these masculine and feminine ideas came from. Would you believe that the natives and older cilivizations were afraid of taboo caused by the women touching the man's tool. (See how you mind give you a different meaning because of women and man in the same sentence) The male believed that if the women touched his bow or weapon, the spirit of the wood or the spirit of the warrior collected in the weapon would be lost. Even when a women is in that time of the month, in some culture they are not allow to prepare food. In the americian Indian it was similar taboo. In some older languages it was even forbid for the women to use the word which described the weapon for fear it would cause a taboo and lose it power to protect the owner. So women has their own words for items which the men never spoke and the women likewise.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Who is watching now ? - Because of technology, we are beginning to realize that cams are watching us almost all day. (This page and blog has had 8 visits yesterday)
Whether we go to the bank Teller Machine, or just walking in the shopping Mall; we are being watched.
It use to be that we seldom heard about the black box in airplanes. But now we are hearing daily about the black box in new cars. It detects the actual speed at the time of impact.
We never imagine we would have to take a lie-detector to prove our innocence, but I learned tonight (on the Larry Cash Morning Show) that credit companies and financial management companies have began to install voice analysis software on their telephone.
"This call maybe monitored for reasons of quality control" is always heard by the telephone, before you make actual personal contact. Is this your warning that software is being used to detect that you are lying and trying to commit a crime.
Now when you telephone to give a credit card purchase, your voice patterns and tonation will be analysis to detect if you are lying. If you are detected by the software to be nervous or doubt as to you having the correct emotions; your call will be transferred to a supervisor.
To prevent idenity thief they tell us, but it is suprising the liberty taken to watch and follow us.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Teachers Watch what influence you do.. Here in Quebec, a lot of my friends went to school under the nuns and religious structure of education. (late 60's and early 70's).
The other night while playing a sport with fellow elderly people, I said to my fellow player. "Let Rene play now because he is right handed and the approach to the jack is best for a right handed" (I am also left handed but schooled in Nova Scotia)
Well she got really mad and explosive saying "All my life, especially when young, I have been told I was no good because I was left handed" She was in her 60's (As am I) and continued to explain "My fingers were cracked by the teacher because I wrote left handed" "Now you suggest I am not good enough to play next"
As a team, I had chosen because of the obstructs and the abilities of each of us three players (Pétanque); but she still had scars emotionally andphysicallyy from her early school years.
It was true that many religious teachers felt that left hander were a sign of evilinfluencede and should be changed. It was a school system of rigid rules and principles. Often aleft handedd student would be taken as an example. If something went wrong... "See the evil of not being like everyone else."
It is an invisible world for those who areleft handedd. My sister-in-law use to set the table in left hand style at my place. I could go to visit and I knew where I was expected to sit. It was always at the corner of a table where my left elbow would be free to pass the table without any influence from my eating companion.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Blogging - Invisible world Here I am waiting until tomorrow to present the blog of today. Why because this is part of the invisible world that I can not show you. I have choosen to write about the lefthander and some of the problems they have. Being right handed , you do not know about it.
Finished the article, I decide to look for a photo. Do you think I can find something that shows lefthanded. Yes instruments but they look like righthanded ... It is completely invisible to me.

Well I think I am starting to disappear with this effort.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Missed but not forgotten - For you folks which have bookmarked my Blog and visited during the past 6 days.. (so sorry).. I will attempt to back order the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th 9th and today 10th.
I have justed passed a really bad week and between wanting to e-mail a classy lady and get ready for a trip home next week; I just forget to blog a little.
In the e-mail (to the classy lady), I send a photo of my companion of 5 years and thought I would use the blog for him. Pitch, my lab.
First, I had to leave him because, I had two appartments for 3 months, and the new one would not allow a dog. So Pitch had his own place, the old apartment. But the story of Pitch is how he saved his life by being kind to a old man.
He was being abused by residence of where I lived (4 floors of 2 1/2 slum appartments) and worked as a street worker with the poor and mentally challenged. He was left on the front step 4 years earlier and became a part of my work. However, the poeple whom I helped really need the help and I was available. I had lived with them, and now it was time to move on, after 6 years.
Being a large black lab, Pitch was very intimiding and allow me to bay off dealers and others very dangerous poeple, which are in the lives of these poeple whom I was helping. But they became use to him and now after 4 years, were teasing him through the apartment door when I was absence. (friends told me and his reaction when he passed them in the hall or outside) He was a kind dog and loves the kids and played ball with anyone.
So, not find a home for Pitch, and paying two apartments for 3 months, I had finally given notice I was moving. The date was apporaching and the only solution after trying 2 new owners, was to visit the vet with Pitch. (Today he is in the country with a nice family)
At the bank, on the morning of his visit, as I with drew the $120, he was attached to a tree on the sidewalk. With his ball, which he loved, he waited for me. When I came out; a gentleman of 70 was patting him and said how nice a dog he was. "I explained he was going to be put asleep because I could not find a home for him" He explained
"OH no.. He is so nice.. As I was walking passed him, he picked up his ball and dropped it at my feet. He wanted to play" "Yes he loves to play, especially with kids and his ball"
A long story short, the gentleman, explained how his son wanted a companion for their dog; and could I wait for Monday. (I explained, how hard this decision was, and I had prepared myself for 1 month for this. I was sure I could not wait..) He convinced me, and over the next 3 or 4 days, my fears were further justified as his son was afraid of a new dog not mixing in, How he, the gentleman, was willing to take him but they were so seldom home, How golfer friends had tried to adopted Pitch and he growled at her.. (she was not totally afraid of him)
So as I made another appointment, I began to relive the trip to the vet preparation and hurt.
Finally, a dear friend, whom I had help a few times, explained she had talked to her nephew and they had a farm and would take Pitch. The appointment for the vet was changed to have Pitch operated on and fixed as I was afraid of the new place not working and him being given to a animal shelter and ending up as a breading dog. (that is the worst live for a lovely companion)
A long story short. Over the next 3 weeks, to the end of lease date for Pitch's appartment, I prepared Pitch for the move. (I did not talk to him, or play with him, except to feed him and walk him) I was told to detatch him from me or he would never accept a new home.
The day of Shawns pickup of Pitch came. I took Pitch to the Golf course, for his regular walk but now I played with him. Threw his ball, had Shawn throw his ball, explained all the neat things he could do and after a 1/2 hour walk and sad goodbye; prepared to put him in the truck.
Mike, Shwan's father wanted to put pitch in the front seat with them.. I suggested in the back of the truck as I was sure , if he decided to want out, no one would be able to refused a 50 kilo black lab. But they argued and wanted him to be happy with his drive.
Talked to Shawn the following days, Pitch sat on the seat between them and look out the window. (he loved to drive in the car) when he got to the farm he jumped out, ran to say hi to the other two dogs and then discovered the farm. He connected immediately with the horse who was in an electric fenced area; and discovered to lower his tail to go see the horse.
Shawn explained how good he was but that he did not eat. I discovered he was not eating because they put out three bowls and when the other two dogs were finished they ate his food. I explained to Shawn, he would not touch food unless it was given to him, (which he sat and waited for) and told he could eat now. "Ok Enjoy it"
Thank you for reading this sad story, Today Pitch is on the farm and 1 year later, (I miss him greatly) he has adapted. I hope to have photos of him and his new family.
Please, don't let anyone take their dog to the Vet if you can help.. And God Bless Mike, Shawn, and all whom help to make Pitch welcome and at home.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Today is Tomorrow - Yes... Believe it or not, the world is so small with the internet that we can talk to poeple online; and they are living tomorrow. Living in Canada, we are a whole day behind Australia. (Photo from Yahoo Greetings)
Yahoo has a "Group mail" where like sending e-mail to several poeple at the same time; the members of Yahoo Groups find their e-mail being send to all the group members. This morning at 7am, I visited my Yahoo group, and checking my mail. I discovered an article about the Canadian sport in which I participate. Our national team was in Australia for a match competitions all day friday (today).
The Canadian national team had played Singles, Doubles and Triples against the Australian team , Friday morning and Friday afternoon.
Severeal australian fans were present for both games and two Yahoo group members had taken photos and collected the results. By 9pm on friday, 4th November 2005 in Australia, they were posted on the Sport's group site.
Now, here I am reading the game results at 7am in the morning. Yes, the morning games have yet to start and I have the results and photos hours before it actually happened.
Lets look at this one.
Invisible but true... Tomorrow is today in Australia. One would say that because of the internet, we can have photos and game results of a sport game before it has been played. Of course it has already been played and if all clocks of the world were set at the same time; it would be yesterday. But because 7am is when the sun rises, and as it raises here in Canada it has gone to bed in Australia and it is late night.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Ghosts - If anything is invisible guess they must be ghosts.
I know there are spirits and ghosts because Halloween night they were playing with me.
What a heckly way to start a night's work. I walked into work on the evening of Halloween and everything went wrong.
First, I must say, that where I work it was at one time a Bar until one day a shootout killed a man at the table in the far corner. Just sitting there and bang..dead in his chair with beer still on the table
Seems that the bar did not have a lot of business afterward, and was finally bought and converted to my employers business.
I often think I see the ghost of that man, as I knew the chair where he sat. I might be making up the image but I think I have seen him. (in his red checked shirt)

Anyway, starting work I begin to prepare my work load and work area... Where my work load is on pallets and all placed in the same storage area; now all my pallets are not together. No I don't think the ghosts moved them... (just some one in the head of the workers before me doing a very sloppy job).. then the dolly to move the pallets seems to have sticky wheels..(Push, pull as I may, seems someone is holding back the dollies) Passage from storage to work area is now blocked with storage of other materials..(Maybe day workers are playing a Halloween trick on me...(centainly not a Treat) So now 5 minutes to clean a line of passage by moving boxes.
Back for second dolly, same thing...Damm wheels sticking.. Damm it, push,pull and jerk to get from there to my workstation. Always afraid too much forcing will cause the whole pile to tumble.
Then as I hang my coat, (which I had layed over the first dolly), it falls to the floor like the hooks on the wall is not there. ( now I have to clean off the floor dust... not that easily in a shop). Then my water containers flips over from the second dolly. A mess to clean up before someone walks in it. Seems the worst day of my life as everything is a few minutes goes wrong.
As I go back to get the last dolly of the night's work load and finally a good rolling dolly. I say to myself. "With all that is happening something will happen with this dolly also"
But as the next minute passes and I get to my workstation; now happy to be finished my preparation, I tell my self "Oh I don't believe it. here and nothing happen"

Well as I was pushing the dolly into the small area where I store my last load of work; it drops from a stack of racks to a pile of racks ..( the side which hold the stack upright, seperated) no really... So I am now picking up the fallen pile and attempting to save the packages from the damage caused by the weight of the above packages.
Well in the first 15 minutes, more happen to me than would normally happen over a whole week.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Lawyers Share 6/49 Win, WHY ?? - As always happen with a large jackpot won by a group of players; someone is there to contest the list of winners. Photo, is great to reality, as even the rich lawyer will be sitting on their doorstep.
Last month, it was a member of the group whom had the ticket amount removed automatically every week, but whom the members of the groups refused to list because she no longer worked with them.
This last $54 Million Jackpot was won, I believe, by a group of 17 players. However, one regular player was not in the group and the mising member has postested the Winner list before the money is distributed. Why should they get any money? Beside the actual winners, why a lot of others will share the money? Why were you not in the Group?, will be the question.Does anyone realize how fast the lawyers are gathering to get some of the money?

Invisible is all the animals whom come out of the woodpile when a big amount of money is being discussed. Yes there will be a lot of winners, who did not buy a ticket.
First, almost all groups donot have a member list, although the Loto company supplies a formula. Don't try to get this formula from the local corner store loto ticket sales counter; they tell you to go to the regional office.

Why, contest the Group member list ? Well, as the lawyer told his client. " The money will be frozen for years if they don't settle quickly" Yes, the missing member will probably get her share. How much will depend on how much members of the group want their money.
Invisible also is the size of the pocket of the lawyers whom will be involved. A friend of mind told me friday last, "My sister in law just got a check for $500,000 after several years of legal action to the will of her parents" " The business sold for $750,000 and the lawyers charged $250,000."
With a 30% administration fee by the lawyers, the $54 Million dollars can go down to $40 Million to be divided. The delay will force the members of the group to decide quickly and rather than lose $14 million to lawyer fees; Give the other member her $3Million.. (Pennies to what they will lose by not showing a little good will)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Big Canadian Loto Winner - Here in Canada, the Loto 6/49 was up to 40Million $ (that's Can $) and it is invisible how many poeple run after the change to be a Millionaire. There were 50 Million tickets sold just forthe draw tonight of $40 million.
Since the beginning of the month of October, sales of tickets has been over $200 million and before this draw there was only 2 winners on (the 8th of October) of 7 Million each. At $2 a ticket, that is over 100 Million tickets sold in about 25 days and as per the statistics on the last draw (26th Oct); 50 Million tickets and only one winner.
Actual Statistics from Loto 6/49 Result.

Date ...... Total ......Total ..........Profit ......Amts ..... Number ......Next
................Sales ......Participants $ ........Jackpot.......Winners.... Jackpot
Oct 1__ 14,120,114__ 7,M __10 M$ __4 M ____(0) ____8 M
Oct 5__ 15,650,678__ 8,M__10 M$ __8 M ____(0) ___14 M
Oct 8__ 23,363,006 _12,M__17 M$__ Won
______________________________14 M ___(2) ___20M
Oct 12__27,318,362 __9,M __7 M$__ 20M ___ (0) ___22M
Oct 15__36,119,420 _18,M _ 34 M$ __22M ___(0) ___25M
oct 19__ 37,534,108 _ 20M _34 M$ __25M___ (0) ___30M
Oct 22__54,453,220_ 25,M _49 M$ __30M___(0) ___40M
Oct 26__99,474,164 _50,M _85 M$
___________________________WON ___Jackpot 54M (1)

Total Profit __$_____ Billets Sold ___Winners____ Prize Paid
____308,033,073__ 154,016,536 ____(3)________ 68M $
So invisible is the total when we lay down the $2 (twonnie) for a ticket.
Also invisible is the total number of non winners; as out of 154 Million tickets sold in October, only three tickets won the big prize.
With all the figures together we see some cheap signs, like on Oct 15, the profit of 37 Million dollars resulted in the prize going up $3 Million.
Statistics - Note, the profit of Oct 12th was only 7 Million dollars, because the amount of the 20M $ prize was remove from the total Dollar Sales.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cyber Flirting - Talk about an invisible world. It is hard enough to catch the eye of a beautiful lady on the street, in the bowling alley or in your friends apartment building and throw a quick smile. (Yes, my smile is my flirt) But, in cyber space, unless it is a cartoon which pops up at the bottom of the screen and winks; (Like the yellow cat of Microsoft office) I doubt if the smile will do much.
In the invisible world of cyberdating, it is more like fishing. Throw the line in and hope to get a nibble. Yes, quite a good comparison, as the experiences of cyberdating can be as gross as putting a worm on the hook. And you can catch anything from a catfish to a gorilla in those cyberwaters.
Have stopped by a few sites during the last week, not a cyber dating regular, as the last time there was with several years ago. Nice photos, so why not throw the line in to the water and stop living alone.
To me there are three type of cyberdating enthusiast (in fishing terms)
- Sharks, those whom have an hidden agenda and will say anything, to get the kill. (what they really want is available in any stripbar or on the corner of downtown for a $100 bill.)
- Catfish, Bottom dwellers, who live on the misfortune of other. (It is sad that these poeple should find joy playing with the emotions of just widowed ladies)
- Minnow, the "not worth keeping" smallest of all fish. But allow to grow this is the best because it grown into a beautiful mature adult.
Why am I out there flirting. Guess I hope there are still a few minnows left, which can be builded into a mature relationship. A dear friend, (male, like my self) said... " after 50 no one should be alone"
To be honest, I guess I am the catfish today,because as I write this for possible cyber date viewing; (yes to know me is to know my blog) ; my "X" is coming across town to meet me for dinner. No not that type, after 15 years very good friends and can call and say " Hi, I will be in your end of town, do you want to have a coffee".
In the invisible world of relationship, this pass relationship of husband and wife seperatiobns and still being friends is something to write about. But another line, (fishing) in another puddle or creek.
So in the invisible world of Cyberdating, you search long and hard and try you best to find that rare catch. But also, you know the worst type of poeple are out there and try to filter them like you do with those damm spams.
Those whom are great story tellers and believe themself are probably just that. "Story tellers"

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Children friendly places - Some restaurants like McDonalds make their restuarant a place of "children friendly" services. But in this world of fast service, children are often missed by us and not seen as a profit by business; unless with their rich parents.
We often heard the expression "Children are to be seen and not heard" when I was growing up. However, the way children are treated by cashiers or store workers shows me that children are completely invisible.

As I waited in line behind three young children at the corner store, I was surprise to see twice, adults pass by myself and the children to go to the cash to purchase something. Once, ok the kids were slow on moving ahead. But the second time, the gentleman reached over the head of the first child and kept the child hidden down in front of him..
Really, the child was squeezed between the counter and the man who was paying his purchase.

Are they that small that we do not see them. Are we so much in a hurry that these children don't matter.
I understand that from the other side of the counter, it is hard to see the children by the worker; but to walk over them as if they are not there.
This is often the case in the life of children today. The place they play in society is not greeted with respect and consideration. Yes, it may be hard to watch a child learn to make change to pay for a treat. But remember, that 75 cents is probably to that child, as much money as one of our pay is to us. Would we be quick to write a check for $450 dollars.
I spoke up to the clerk, and explained that they should tell the customer that the child was waiting or before them. And I was surprise to hear the clerk say " Oh I am sure they didn't mind waiting"
Can we not all make an effort to include children in our adult world..

Monday, October 24, 2005

"Be nice to our company" - Often, when I was young, I heard this expression. Or we were asked to go outside and play as it was "Grown-up talk". We were thrown into the invisible world of "Leave the adults to Talk".
But in our little world of the back yard we did not learn to communicate on a social level.
The invisible world of polite communication habits was build and we are becoming less and less able to be nice in general conversation. But really, table conversation should be easily.
Had a social club dinner, last night; with 150 people all coming together for a end of the season party. Each table had 8 people or 4 couples, and after about 5 years of 3 such parties per year; this was the first time I got a really bad table. (bad company. If the word applies)
One individual did all the talking. and his wife laughed at his stupid remarks. Remarks which poked fun at anyone at the table who dare to speak. This individual was classy, as he ordered the best wine, pour it to the glass with a turning motion. But after 20 minutes, no-one dare to raise a subject of discussion.
As you can imagine, with a 3 hour dinner, the table was the the loudest in the room. His voice and his wife laughing at him. Even when the music began to get table members involved with a arm over shoulder sing-along fun atmosphere; the members of the table sat uncommitted.
One might have lived through this dinner if it was not that the jokes got cruder and cruder.
Imagine, when everyone was eating the common meal (beef roast) his wife send her back to be better cooked and the comments were "Bloods dripping out of it" "How can you eat that?" You are afraid to send it back because the cook will spit on it" Followed by the clearing of his thoat.
Yes, you are sick... Imagine those other 6 people sitting at the table eating.
To be polite is just a matter of respect for others. Anyone, who is forced to share a table with such a fool, can only be said to have character. Even myself, when he was using the folded table napkin as a bra and a hat; I held my tongue as I wanted to say " Use it as a diaper, and act your age"
It is an invisible world which our children have to be shown... If we don't show them how to communicate and respect others by our actions; who will? Certainly it is not taught in the schools.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Knock, Knock, who's there ? The door is opened because there is a knock, or the doorbell rang. Now it is the phone. "If the phone rings, Answer it". We were always so happy to hear from people. Today, we take it off the hook.

It was always assumed that if someone came to the door we would open it. But now with the telephone, the next method of communication in the last century; has become an invasion into our private lives. Tele-marketing people continued to call. And then there is the telephone survey or the remainders of the yearly visit to the dentist or vet
There was a time when there were too many knocks at the door by salesmen or strangers and the door was open into the invisible world of "refusal to talk to them". Next, the telephone became the first contact these strangers had; and technology with caller display and answering machines gave us a choice.
Walking down the street we accept we do not talk to everyone we pass. More spam e-mail than actual friends seem to be the norm if you are on the web. But today, we accepted that we have the right to refuse to communicate.
But what about visits and that knock at the door? Do we still go to the door ?
We sort of say, with the telephone, technology has removed the effort of friends to visit. If someone drives across town to visit us; should we welcome them in. In our invisible world of excluding a telephone, or an e-mail... ; we raison, No effort made .. No need to reply.
I remember, a friend, whom felt it was normal to not answer the door if she did not feel like having company. She argued, "If it is not a friend or family, I do not want to be interrupted" and "If it is a friend or family, they know that I expect them to call before coming"
We are invaded regularly. And worst of all, these people expect you to be polite. Beggers on the street expect that because they asked, you should give something... Like the windshield washers at the corner.
Lets all remember that our friends have their schedule, which may not leave "Come in " time.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

GOD is back !!! - Now if there is an invisible world... God's place ( in our lives, in schools,etc) got to be included.
The Evolution Wars which began 2 centuries ago; has been for several years also a fight in various states schools. Now this fight is against Intelligent design and Evolution is losing ground.Guess, God is back after 150 years of arguments of evolution in schools as the recent book of "On Pandas and people" by Davis and Kenyon; has began to make a place that someone, "GOD" , introduced our life on earth, a change from the previous Dawin theories.

"Intelligent design means that various forms of live began abruptly through an intelligent agency, with their distinctive features already intact"Someone must have done something to make such a perfect world.. and only a God could have done it is 6 days."

Friday, October 21, 2005

Catch-up Posting - Here, I attempt to see what we often miss and overlook. For example: spelling check "Catchup" it gave me "ketchup" to replace the word with. Another invisible truth is FALSE time entries. This one, we often miss. We too often believe the time entered with blog entries.
Because the blog allows to post entries at a different date; I am doing a catch up posting of the last three days. This invisible false date entry is impossible to identify, unless as I have done, I use the same time on all the three different days. So often we believe what we read with dates and time.
It is truly invisible, and to the reader that that thinks only why would anyone don anything after the fact; I say, don't take confidence in what is really written and posted with a time and date. Foresight is an wisdom, where hindsight if written days later with a false date is nothing more than false procrastinatio
... (this blog was deleted & recreated to remove unwanted comment advertising)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

OLD Loto Tickets - The invisible world of "Lucky or NOT.... I want to buy my Loto ticket"
Here in Canada, tonight is the big $30 Million dollar Loto 6/49 draw. Hope you have your ticket. Often when the local corner store, which sells the loto tickets, has a group draw prepared; they continue to sell the tickets after the closing hour of the legal sales.
Because the draw is at 9 pm in Ontario, here in Quebec there are not ticket sales after 10 pm. However, the draw is not yet done and people too late for getting their tickets may accept to become a member of the group. (10 people paying $2 for 10 combination of numbers)
I just went to get my lucky 6/49 $30 Million Ticket, and asked if there was any groups tickets left. The clerk replied "No, but there are still the Super 7" There on the counter was the group copies for maybe 4 participations.
Because the Super 7 was drawn last night, and it is 10 am, the next morning; so I questioned "But it already has been drawn ?" To which the clerk replied. "Yes but we have not yet check the numbers". AHUUUUUU ???? From what world do you invade us. Did anyone who has bought their group ticket called to say " WE WON, WE WON"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Do you see ME ? - Unless you are in my zone, I do not see you.
Drivers, have a zone of awareness which is very narrow on the side of the car and about 2 or 3 car length in front. Behind, nothing up to 3 car lengths. (because traffic rush tightness and frequence tailgating, we do not look behind)
As I drove my bicycle to a stop, on a community street with a bike path area; I notice the driver of the stopped car, eating a snack bar and talking to her front seat passenger. As she turned, I stayed behind a bit; because I had taught my daughters to make eye contact with the driver to be sure they know you are there.
As she turned, eat, and talked, she lost control (at the slow speed) and crossed into the bike path and up to the sidewalk. I yelled through the open back window, and with the sidewalk contact and my yelling; added to the other three activities, she almost had a heart attack.
It is invisible to all of us, how much we take the action of driving for granted. I did several things while driving; until I learned not to drink hot coffee while driving. (Hot coffee and the position of the cup over "Manhood" leads for quite a quick surprise).
I wish with the introduction of the cellphone, that instead of using technology to remove the interference of items like the motor of the car; they had allow the multi-frequency spark plug noise to prevent cellphone from working inside a vehicle.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Computer Down retreat - Guess I have been invisible for a week. Computer failure and finally it was a burned wire from the power supply to the front (power on) switch. Did a power supply change for $10 and am back. If you have been looking and did not see me .... it is because I was in "No computer land". Yes there are still places in this world where the computer is not... "in the home of a broken computer !!!!"

Monday, October 17, 2005

page redone for 22 oct due to comment advertising.
Now that is not invisible... someone sitting and pasting advertising to Blogs as they are publised....
4 comments in first minute...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Pay the bill or else - There was a time, a long time ago, when we paid cash and the only bills we got were those we agreed to pay at a later date. Today, a lot of the business policy is to request of the customer an amount and expect it to be paid. If you are not in agreement, you are expected to pay or have services stopped; and request a refund later.
A local club, which had a small counter for softdrinks and snacks; was bringing sandwiches made by members and putting them with points of pizza for sale. They had the provincial sales tax number and were charging taxes on items they had purchased for resale.
However, when the provincial inspector passed, he question the cash register entries of $1.50 and $2.00 without taxes being charged. They were told the truth about the sandwiches and the points of pizza; and explained as the taxes were paid on the pizza it should not be taxed again.
Knowing there was a profit being made as a $4. pizza was cut into 4 pieces and sold for $2; the inspector advised that they would have to pay the taxes and collect the refund for what taxes they paid on the purchases of the pizza and sandwich.
So a bill for several thousand dollars arrived a few weeks later and when trying to communicate with the government the answer was always the same.
"Sir, you must pay the amount or lose your tax number. You can contest the decision, and with a lawyer argue your case to have it returned."
"This same thing happens with utility services who bill you and expect you to pay and afterward attempt to have a refund IF an error has been made. (And that is a big If)

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Innocents of Children - Seldom seen is the quickness of the child's mind. I think we hate picking up a newspaper in a restaurant and finding the page you want to read is gone. So many people think it is ok to remove pages because, the paper paid for by the restaurant is for customers.
Here in Québec,McDonald, Yes that McDonald, asks its customers to deposit $1 as a guarantee that they will return the paper. Several local restaurants do it differently, like big bold black lettering of "DO NOT REMOVE PAPER".

My nine year old granddaughter, when we were last visiting McDonalds, saw a newspaper on the empty table as we took our seats, and returned it to the cashier for the $1 refund. I was so surprised, I never really thought of the return... I just take it and read it.

Here we see the innocence of the child, who in sees the paper and knowing it is $1. not collected; is not shy to do what we all wish we could.
In this invisible world, how many deposits do we make and than we forget, or we are just too lazy, to be collected ? Bottles, cans, papers, store items...etc.

A few years back a New York law required that companies which collected deposits on cans and bottles had to return all collected moneies after one year. ( leaving a percentage for volume changes ) That first audit and collections of funds brought in over 15 million in New York state alone.
The logic of the lawmakers was that this money still belonged to the public and if returned to the government which respresents the poeple; it would get back to the public in less taxes. They continue this refund return policy and taxes probably didn't change. ( was in NY times in 2001)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Taken for granted - Don't we all assume that when we next shut off the computer and reboot that it will reboot. We are so sure of the technology that when we get to the point of my computer not turning on; we suddenly accept that there is a $1 microswitch which if it breaks the whole thing is broken.
Yes, I shut down the computer, to do some work on my other computer and hard disk and when I went to restart it, NOTHING. Push the switch as many times as I wish it would not reboot my computer.
This morning, 18-20 hours later, I said, I will try it ,... just in case... an damm it ,,, it booted.
Now I, will shut the computer off with the power bar switch until I know what happen.
In this invisible world , we take so much for granted... We assume all will be as it was yesterday..
So if you reading this.... When did you last do a back up of important files.<
Oh, by the way, for the television which was in the garbage... guess the previous owners just bought a DVD because I discovered from my daughter that this good tv does not have the three plugs needed to connect a DVD. Oh well, I have yet to buy a DVD

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How many Blogs are out there ?
For the english blogs alone I got 9,736,407 when search for a common word like "the" and it only checks for the first occurance.
For the french I was suprise with 4,379,137 blogs for "la " with the space to do the french word only.
The most important thing is the speed with which the internet checked all these internet sites for the word.. a split second
Are we not looking at a big invisible world. How many request or messages are being send in a split second?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Seeing What's not Missing - Often in the invisible world, things are missing or we wish not to see them; however, sometimes it is by seeing something we become aware of what is.
Yesterday, thanksgiving Day, was as I said a quite day. However, when leaving for work at 10 pm, I spotted a very new (model) television at the side of the street. As I passed on the bike, I sort of noticed it and paid no attention; until after passing it I realized it had the controller sitting on the top.
If the TV was for the garbage and not working, why put the controller on top of it?. The presence of the controller suggested that it was still working. I did a 360 and went back to check it out.
It was quite heavy, so putting it on the seat of the bicycle; I walked it home and went to work afterward. This morning, after work, I tested it and it works really well (except for a hard to see pale line which rolls up the screen)
It was the controller sitting on top of the television which indicated the owners believed it was still good. So very often it is harder to sell it for a few dollars than throw it to the garbage.
Often, in our fast world, we do not see the fine detail of the scene and continue pass without stopping. ( This television will go well in the bedroom where now I can easily fall asleep with the delay shutoff option or the controller.)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Thanksgiving Day - Today is thanksgiving day... "Small letters because it is so much of a small holiday. A day off work for so many people. But the turkey dinner and the giving of thanks for all that the year has brought is completely invisible to the holiday. I hope you are saying. "not at our house".
I asked my grandson what thanksgiving Day was and he said he did not know, so I explained the first thanksgiving story of Indians helping the colonies. I explained how it was in the fall because the farmers give thanks for the good harvest. I tried to explain all that he had to be thankful for. I asked him to talk to his mother and father about the holiday.
What more can I do? Who wants to take their day off to cook a big family dinner. When both parents work and the kids are at the babysitters during the weekdays; the day off (work and school) is sort of a family together day. ( Hope someone sees thanksgiving day for what is was and could still be)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

How to be Invisible - After the previous entry about the need to be invisible in Florida; I realize that there are tricks to become invisible in a large group or crowd.
If you want to be invisible in the daily walk of life, here are a couple of ideas coming from the radio last night.
- To be invisible in a crowd, wear all the same color, and a dark color like black, gray, blue etc. Of course, style requires a shirt and tie with a dark suit; but dark color shirts or with lines are less standoutish than a white shirt with a flashy tie.
In wearing dark sunglasses it is not possible to make eye contact, there by making you invisible to passerbys. I am not sure if those reflected, see yourself coming, dark sunglasses make you seem invisible. Certainly, if one was watching your glasses and its reflection; they did not see you and what you were wearing.
Go with the flow. To be walking against traffic and forcing everyone to avoid you seems to be making your presence felt. To move right or left and get into a going group of people; whom are all going the same direction; is sure way to get lost in the crowd.
These ideas are for the previous Florida "Shot first and ask questions afterward" blog.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Become Invisible NOW - Talked last night with a friend who goes to Florida every winter for a few months. Canadian who winter in the south are called "Snowbirds". His comments was "Yea, I will be going for the hunting season"; threw me for a loop until he explained the new gun law of Florida.
Appears, Florida had the most liberal gun law of any American state, other than Texas, and although residents could carry a concealed weapon, they were required to retreat before using it. Seems a new law introduced this summer is that residents, when feeling being threaten, can now shoot and ask questions afterward.
So become invisible, and get out of my face is the expected attitude of tourists and strangers. Everyone should show respect, but certainly more if the individual can be packing and now is going to Blast away first.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Yes I am back... I was lost, invisible to you all... will try to maintain this blog of all the invisible aspects of our life. If you regularly check this blog give me a visit at
Invisible in Death - As I write this blog of Gerald Muswagon of Norway House in northern Manitoba won the Super 7 prize of 10 million in 1998: I wonder about his death and funeral services. I wonder how many of the friends who shared his winnings, are there at the funeral service. Seen invisible are the friends won by money.
I remember a story of a wealthy women who gave in her will a large amount of money to all her grandkids. Only condition of the will was that the children had to attend her funeral service. One individual did not attend and then sue the will administer as he felt he deserve his money like everyone else.
Maybe Gerald should have made a condition like this in his spending... "Here is a new car... but be sure to attend my funeral service" Or " You owe me $2500 for this Large screen TV and the debt will be cancel if you attend my funeral service"
Would like to be an invisible mouse at the church to know how many of the friends bought by money are at the church for the funeral.
Invisible Money... What do you do with 10 Million Dollars. Well it was invisible 7 years later.

Reading in the Wednesday Oct 5 Globe and Mail (page A2) how Gerald Muswagon of Norway House in northern Manitoba won the Super 7 prize of 10 million in 1998. Well Gerald went through all that money.. On Sunday October 2, Gereald hung himself in his parent's garage, after spending all the money and after a couple of prison terms for speeding and sexual assault.
The Globe and Mail writes. ""Mr Muswagon, 42 somehow managed to do what seemed unthinkable and spend nearly every penny of his winnings in only a few years.".. "Mr Muswagon's spending habits were the stuff of local legends, as rumours began to spread shortly afte his win. He bought several new vehicles for himself and friends, purchased a housed that turned into a nightly 'party pad' and ofteh celebrated his new lifestyle with copious amounts of drugs and alcohol. In a single day, he bought eight big screen televisions for friends."

Gone... after all... guess Gerald felt it was too much..

I tried to date this Oct 5,2005 and the computer, or blog adm just freaked out.. alway came back .. 0% success. .. never try a date less than the last entry.

Oppps Broken Egg ??? - This is invisible because it happen to me and I certainly hope no-one saw it. Well, Cooking my egg for breakfast and very proud of the ability of the Tephon no stick frying pan. Turning the egg around the frying pan... I was suprise to see it fly out and land on the stove. Between the burners, one red hot the other cold black, it sat there. No the yoke was not broken and now as I look it at... I wonder how I was going to pick it up without breaking the yoke and then a real mess.
No, I would not want anyone to see that... I was there with the egg flipper, spallet, and wondering if I could flip it back into the pan without breaking the yoke.
First try, it did not get up to the edge of the frying pan... Well guess try a plate. (yes I turned off the hot burner) No I have yet to break the yoke...... do you do a quick flip... like pulling the tablecloth off a table... one quick sweep...??? Do you try to slide the spatter under the egg..
Guess did a bit of both... slow... slow... then a quick flip to the plate... Done... Now to clean up all the grease between the burners.
So very proud of myself, Egg on plate,, now on the toast, nice sandwiches... Now to taste it.. Opps Broken egg.. Damm egg squirt out the sandwich to land all over the table and my hand.

Glad no one seen such stupid breakfast preparation... Guess it happens when at 60 and living alone you cook like a single fool.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Don't look for Me. - On the first of the month, when the welfare cheques arrive in the mail or the bank; those who have been home all of the last two weeks are gone.

Paying bills, or Partying, I am not sure; but don't look for them. Of course, in the same apartment there is about 20 having a beer and everyone talking at the same time. Don't attempt to telephone because they don't even hear the phone.

The general public never realizes that for two weeks these people wait for their beer or smokes.

An invisible life of two weeks unless they plan and buy the months supply of tobacco.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Don't Walk - Walk Lights - As we cross the street we see the Walk-Don't Walk light in front of us but did you every turn around when you get across and look back at the light on the opposite side.
Here, we often get the light which walks one way and the other way it does not. Invisible to the individual whom see people waiting on the opposite side of the street after you have left the curb.
Of course, they began to walk when they see the opposite side walking, but how stupid the city is to not have lights on both side of the street. Guess it save money, as the Walk - Don't Walk light post are not similar to the regular Traffic lights which hang overhead for the Drivers to see.
Become, invisible wise and report to the city those siturations or those lights that do not work the same on both sides of the walkway.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Takes Three to Breed - Would you believe it, not two to tangle, but three. The city of St-Bruno, near Montréal now charges a 40 dollar Breeding Fee to all residence. Of course, it is not for people but for animals, when there are three animals or more in the same household.

My friend always wanted a Huskie and finally got a pup recently. He went to get the dog tags and as he was paying the tags, and filling out the form, he indicated he now had three animals at home.

"That will be an extra 40 Dollars as a Breeding Fee" he was told. Argue as he would that his two cats were both females and properly fixed; and the third animal was a dog; nothing would change the administrator attitude.

I learned of this when My household became a family with the Cat having a litter of three kittens. Guess, I will be visited soon. Or should I seek out the Tom cat which made my Susie in that condition and have the owner pay the breeding fee. In this case it only took one animal.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Behind the Looking Glass - In Science fiction we sometimes come across stories of parallel universe and for me, when I was going through a bad time; the Mirrors in my life was that doorway. Have you ever been in days where everything goes wrong ?. Troubles after troubles follow you and there seems to be a dark cloud over your head. You feel the weight of that cloud like a deep depression. Well, in a younger time, I walked a path between the Good of Christ, and the Evil of the World. Certainly a bad trip. But this existence of two world often got me extremely sick and depress until one day I began passing from one world to the other by way of the Looking Glass Door. When I felt everything was going wrong, from what I was attempting to do; I would walk up to a Mirror and say to myself "I am on the wrong side" and thinking that I had passed to the other side I would walk away feeling confidence everything would now change. It did... Probably because of a positive attitude. If it did not, I would think I probably fooled my self and never got pass the looking of myself to the other side and would return to the mirror. If you think this is crazy, try it when that dark cloud of depression hangs low and depression or problems seem too strong to bear.
(Of course you can also put your problems in the hand of Christ..if you know how too)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Power Failure - Hydo Companies should give a day or two free electricity following a power failure. Even if it was only a short (several Minutes) outage. WHY?

It is invisible to them how much they force us to be depending on electricity and then how much our lives are completely turned up side down when everything loses their power.

The WORST is being late for work because the Clock radio lost it time and now the alarm does not sound at 6:30 for you to start your day. This fear of losing the time due to a power failure hangs heavy on us all until we install a backup clock of a battery type.

Life is impossible for some people who are completely invisible to the technical needs of this sort of problem. Unable to re program the VCR and the CD radio, these individuals, after trying unsuccessfully, simple do without.

Yesterday, I made a regular re-program visit to a friend. She had removed the VCR cable from the TV and connected the TV antenna directly instead of reprogramming the VCR. She no longer listen to the radio because all stations (1, 2, 3,) did not work. Of course, who remembers the numbers of the radio station 101.9 when you are use to using the programs

Monday, September 26, 2005

Avoid Questions with Buzzword Answers . It was always felt that communications was to relay facts which would answer a question. Sometime, the answer has been so arranged to make you feel you do not know what you are asking and therefore not ask another question. BUZZwords were high tech terms used in an industry to communicate that the person was aware of new ideas. However, the use of detail technical terms to answer an layman's question is also a Buzzword answer.
Invisible, is this method of replys to questions which staff are trained to give to customers. Anyone with a little insight would have seen that this question arrives often and the staff are trained to reply. (I believe that the individual themselves does not know what they have said )
These answers often are so arranged to not answer the question but throw a confusing comment at the customer, thereby making them feel stupid or unwilling to question the situration further.
Here, we have a major Cable distribution company called V..... which also has video cassette sales and rental outlets every where through the province.
As a member, with the small yellow ident card used for scanning and rentals; I went into this second V.... store to check out and rent videos which might have been different. These two stores are about 200 yards apart, between two lights on the same major street .
Advised, by the new store, that they do not use the ident cards and it is necessary to open a seperate account with them if I wish to rent films; I asked "Are you not V...., like the store up the street?"
"Yes our stores are owned by V.... but corporate strategy and management allows for individual controls and probably even possible francises" store is different with a different manager and administration. DRUUUUUUP.... Do I feel stupid?
I should have known that. Was I thinking the same staff works at the two stores and walked down the street every hour. But the question was "Are you not both the outlets of the the same company.