Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Found at Last. - How strange is the story of Tsumani victim recovery after two months buried. Yes in todays news there is an article from Islamabad of a 40 year old Pakistan who was found buried since the 8th of October. When the earthquake killed over 73,000 poeple and left more than 3.5 million with home homes; it was thought all suvivors were found.
Taken t

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Internet reveals all - I am taking the time to write
this blog before going to bed (work in 3 hours)
because it is an invisible world what the
internet can reveal of you. (personal note: Very Sorry Shirley)
I did not mean to do any injustice but was curious as to what the internet would tell me about a friend whom answered my inquiry on a online dating service. Her e-mail was unique ( so I did a google or other search of AVCname.

Being an honest person, I told her in an e-mail all that I had discovered. I have not heard from her since. But it is strange how just an e-mail can reveal so much. First the name of AVCname was only used three times. Her, a gentleman in California and a Russian. So I discovered she worked hard at two ventures. A on-line product sales and a support service for kids. I also discovered other things which I will mention late.
Using the unique e-mail address I was able to get the phone number and address of the on-line sales. But by doing a reverse on the telephone under I was able to get the home address and the name under which the telephone is listed.
I just wanted to learn about this individual, but the internet put me at her door. Address, telephone number etc. Even it suggested she was the child of a Australian family of 12.. Guess that was an error.
In all honesty, I told her what the search had revealed. I think that the internet is very dangerous as even the little registration can be located.
As an example, I can place a monitor on this blog and know whom reads it and from where they come. If they return or if they came from another page before. Each internet connection has an IP address which is supplied by your ISP (internet service provider) and this tells the viewer where you are. Ok where your ISP is located.
Dear friends, the invisible world is too much information leads to revealing a lot about you.
To be safe...
Do not have a unique login name... j.smith3425 is better than AVCname
Do not give too much detail... Example Yahoo members or MSN members can tell a lot
Do not give your phone number of if you must... Do not give the attachment name which allows someone to come to this telephone number
There are a lot of free e-mail providers Like Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN and others which allow you to read mail without being identified.
Use alias e-mails where possible... these e-mails send the mail to your mail box but give their name. ex smith@someting sends the mail to

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Everything in their place - There is an invisible world of labels. Everything must have it label on it like the sugar bowl, the salt shaker and even the taps in the bathroom. How do we know which tap is hot and which is cold if the top does not have H or C to tell us.
When driving down the street, do you know which light of the three hanging stop lights is green. Is it the top light or the bottom. (Yes, even I know the middle is yellow) Likewise, a plumber will tell you the hot is always on the left side of the sink.
In quebec, the plumbling is less expensive if the contractor purchases the bathroom faucets in English. The Americian market and its volume make for a enorous difference. But the french want the faucets to say Chaud et Froid or "C" and "F". Well the "C" of cold is moved to the left for "Chaud" and then they find a "F" for Froid. Sometimes the "H" of Hot on the English faucets are left there. "One arguement was "No one is going to burn them self with the "H" instead of "F" on the cold faucet.
Another way is to just not have any letters on the top of the Faucets. or An empty (non-letter) plug on the cold faucet.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Online Dating (Looking) - Does the internet and the many dating websites change the individual's attitude toward multi-dating. It is invisible to us how we must change our thinking for new technology.
When I was younger, many decades ago, we searched the halls of school for friends and finally a steady. We were free to look until we committed ourself to a single individual. After that everyone was just friends and we would not think of suggesting an encounter or meeting somewhere. We had decided upon one "Love of our life" even if it sometime did not last the complete school term

Now, as I search or Americian Singles I see a lot of 29 to 39 men and women looking for partners. I have found only a few on this rather expensive dating website. But the question I ask about the invisible world we creat around is "Do we communicate and attempt to develop relationships with several partners at the same time?"
Feeling guilt if I am e-mailing one individual, and receiving e-mails from several others; I ask is the e-mails like "the searching of the halls" and until you meet the individual in person you are still being politically correct. I guess, the old saying... "Telling the truth means never having to remember what lies you told" applies; as I would think three or four correspondance at a time can easily become confusing.
If you have payed for a year's membership and you are not in a hurry to find that right person, you may restrict your activities to one or two individuals. But a lot of these individuals may not be there later if you don't make contact immediately.
There is a feeling of false respresentation if several communications are maintained. Does this acceptance of multi-dating attempts lead individuals to accept the same several companions after a serious relationship has started. (an invisible effect on our morals)
I participate in a sport which collects 200 individuals together, after 4 years, I have seen or been interested in establishing an relationship with maybe two. How strange it is to be on the internet and searching Canada or a website for companions. As I write this blog has 26,122 members online in Canada and the USA.
Stop your laughing... some poeple do use the web to find companions... (invisible to a lot of poeple are the successful matches. home page shows a couple whom say "We met when Maria saw my profile and messaged me. I saw her picture and was surprised she was even on a personals site. "
P.S. No photo for this blog entry... Don't want to get you searching the dating sites...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pay your Bills Fast -
Sorry about another blog about money,
but guess I am surpise of the invisible
ways that poeple attempt to cheat each
other or their customers.
The company, where I work, has an arrangement with the employees; which allows them to charge their meals. When they pay these accounts, they receive an 20% discount.
I had a bill of a few months ago. It was just that one month I had 2 bills and payed one and left the other. The following month, the same thing. In the end, a bill of three months ago was paid this weekend.
However, the prices had changed. I was paying 75 cents for jus and now it is $1.oo which was not that bad. But the structure of the meals was also changed this pass few months. Where a customer could buy a Sandwickes for $3.25; it is now change to include two salades.
So when the manager, decided to put my bill into the cash register, I was suprise to find that my sandwickes were now $4.95. I had about 10 sandwicks over the month and now I was paying $1.70 more. Of course, I attempted to discuss it with the manager who replied
`"Nothing I can do. When I enter the sandwick into the cash register it gives me the price" "Maybe, it is best to arrange with the boss afterward" and then again, the 20% becomes a problem because it is reduced from the bill.
So I payed $65 on $80 lunches and know I must go beg for the difference. The discount saved me $15 and I probably lost $17 in this price increase on an old bill.
It is hard to explain why I waited 3 or 4 months to pay the bill. And wanting my job to be secure without problems... I guess I will probably not chase the boss for the differences.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

WHY Not Me Too??
Well on the way up the street,
I had to stop into the PC-Arcade
for this blog. Will first talk about the PC-Arcade. Here there are 12 PCs and being a Saturday night, 10 are taken. I have to write this Blog on the demo which normally is exhibiting the game in the front window.
All the 10 players here, are playing the same game. CALL TO DUTY. Each have their own terminal and with their own rifle. It is easily to tell they are all playing together as one yells "Watch Out Neal" another says... "Go Go.... Vite" Guess you know when they get shot because there is the occational $?&%!!22 If you have yet to join an online gaming... Guess it must be tried.<

The reason for entering for this blog, is the new time thing of blogs. If I don't get this in now the date will be tomorrow when I get back to the computer.

WHY not me too, came about as I stopped at the coffee shop (Gas bar) to get a medium Coffee. Coming to the cash, I asked how much... $1.83 was the reply. So I gave him a Twonny (2 dollar coin here in Canada) He returned me 15cents and I looked and asked. "You missed on the changes.?" His reply was. I always keep the cents.... "What I asked"

So he begins to explain to me that everyone who puts gas always misses by a cent or two and he has to pay that cent or two. So he says " When the change is a cent or two, I keep it to pay the gas." "Everyone, expect me to pay..." I replied. "Not me... I did not give you "$1.80".

Yes,!!! I thought that was a good one. So I stopped into the Cafénet to blog it.

Friday, December 02, 2005

No Fault Auto Insurance n QuebecHere in Québec, we have had "No Fault" Auto Insurance for a couple of decades. What is it.?? The insurance companies use to fight over whom was responsible for the accident and then the insurance company of the fault driver; would pay.
This required months of evaluations for auto repairs, so they agreed that the owner's company would pay the repairs immediately. Now after months of discussion the companies would find blame for the accident and increase the premiums of the guilty driver. Not so now. Noone to blame so quick insurance payment of repairs and the victim is left in the legal cold, unable to sue for damages.
For those poeple who are injured in the accident, it could take several years of discussion and even going to court to get money for the victim. I remember one friend whom was to get 25,000 settlement for her damage. When the lawyers got their fees and the other costs she had less than 15,000 and this was what was needed to pay the hospital bills not covered by Health Insurance. (Specialists and Consultation or other fees)
In the end, this friend got $6,500 send in a cheque 12 years after the accident.
This week, I saw a student hit by a car as she stepped of the curb to cross the street on a Green light. Yes, she had the right of way, with a green light, and also the driver had the right to turn right at the corner. Only problem, the student had the priority.
The student was hit and is in the hospital, A broken Hip I was told. The driver, whom I know because he plays the same sport as I do; said to someone "She just stepped out in front of me, I was not at fault."
Not any comment of guilt or regret, just how the insurance company will allocate blame. The student in the hospital is also telling someone she was not at fault; she had a green light. But what is the story. One person, injured and the other without any damage. Even with no fault insurance, the victim can not sue for damages. If they become handicap because of the accident, they can ask for the Motor Vechile Insurance Board to allocate an allowance. But again this can be a long fight and then the percentage of handicap. I once saw a vision impaired person being told that they could still work at such and such a job. So was not totally handicapped.
For you folks whom think that this is the great system, Remember... When it cost you something or you are afraid to be charged you drive carefully. When you are not at fault, (ture or not) you think nothing of the individual in the hospital. Just as long as you don't to pay something.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Moose is Lose - From a "Moose for the Pouchers to shoot" in Nova Scotia to " a rubber moose dummy " in Sweden and high technology warning methods in the USA; the Moose is lose in the news.
In an attempt to control illegal hunting of moose in Nova Scotia, the Wildlife Service has started catching Poucher with a new trick of using an Robot Moose. Yes, the first province to my knowledge which has set up a false (robotic) Moose for the Pouchers to shoot and attempt to harvest. Of course the Fish and Game Officials are near by to catch the illegial hunters.

It appears, the eyes of the moose reflect a spotlight, much the same way as a normal moose would at night. And the moose reaction to the presence of the poucher or illegal hunter is to continues to watch the hunter as he approaches. When the false Moose is shot it falls down. The articel also explained that the construction is such that it is capable of being shoot several times without much visual damage.

With the fine for illegal Moose hunting in Nova Scotia,up as high as 10,000$, this robot has paid for itself rather quickly. The photo in the Globe and Mail on the weekend past (25 November) shows the moose in a lake. I doubt if the photo is actual as it would be difficult to harvest if the false moose was position in the water.
While looking for the article which I read I found the following similar articles.<
""Mooses II," the Moose Dummy, May Help Develop Consumer GuidanceAccording to the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), about 80 people die in Sweden each year in collisions between automobiles and moose. A VTI report describes a method to crash test cars with a rubber moose dummy with the goal of eventually developing consumer guidance on the “moose safety” of a car model." (
Or another Americian story of attacking the Moose - Traffic problem with lazers and warnings. "But now some traffic engineers around the country are experimenting with redesigning roads to accommodate wandering wildlife and using high tech laser and infrared devices, developed for space exploration and anti-missile systems, to warn motorists when a moose wanders into the road." at