Sunday, August 19, 2018

Spirit Visit or Angel

After the death of my dear Friend, Joannie, there is still so very much to do.
During her "Celebration of Her Life" I had taken several Videos which is intended for her son Ralph, who is in Alberta and could not be here.  Also many things to do on computer and plenty of e-mails to send. Important is the special recording of a dream which I promised to send to her Daughter when things quite a bit. So the thought of this blog and some meaning to that dream. Send to confort me by her.

Each of us have our beliefs. And because of our religion or lack of it, we all have suggestions of what someone should believe. In many religions, a  specific period of time is respected between the death and the burial.  I, personally believe the spirit and Peace giving abilities of the deceased are close to us for this short time.

Many years ago, in the 80s when visiting  my sister Francis in Pugwash River;  I saw my first  Spirit or "Ghost". Since then have believe in the presence of these spirits  Today, I take comfort in this belief that the spirits of love ones are  with us.

That day in Pugwash River, I was visiting a friend and as we all sat at the kitchen table talking in mid afternoon, I told her mother "You have a visitor,..Somebody just picked up the mail and is coming in the back door" She replied  "Oh, did you see him too" She explained that many other people had seen someone come from the Mail Box into the back yard.  She did not know who's Spirit people were seeing but usually was saw in the morning.. Yes that’s true. And, although a young man, I was not smoking anything.   Actually. since that time I have seen many spirits through the years and with the exception of bad dreams of passed people never fear them.

The reason I’m writing about this , is because while living alone here at the homestead; after Joannie had passed, I saw twice within minutes, an old lady sitting in a chair. Later, when I asked about the mother of Joannie kid's father (Mrs Laird); I discovered that before her death she had live many years withand her son and Joannie.
 But more to the point of this Blog.  The last  night of my  friend Joanne's stay in the hospital; I sat up with her that night while she slept.   During that time, at about 3 in the morning, I  fell asleep for a few minutes and had a dream which was to help me handle  the  pain and anguish at her coming death.  In that short dream, there was a young girl who emitted a tone of peace.  During the dream, while being approached by this young woman whom I did not reconize; all my sadness and anguish  about the coming death of Joannie had passed. The dream had many other aspects, but the most important was the sense of tenderness and love.  After awaking from that 15 minutes nap, I took my iphone and walked down the hall to a visitor area and recorded it on the Iphone while I still remembered the details and the feelings.

  As my wife, Gisele, knows, i take dreams very important and remember them in great detail.  So standing there in the visitor area, within a few minutes I had recorded the whole dream.

What was unique about this dream is that in the dream as I was climbing up a sort of stairway, there was this man  who was worried I would fall.  I joked with him not to worry and as I touched his Chest (in the dream ) to said to him to "be carefully and not get to worried  because he was going to have a heart attack". Those were my actual words I recorded on my Iphone.
 At this same time, I am told around 4 am in the morning, Joannie's daughter companion was having heart problems and they had taken him to the hospital immediately; as  I was later to discover the next day He was even put on the same floor but in the opposite wing of the hospital.

Of course, I  did not know this  heart attack in my dream was actually happening to Joannie;s daughter companion of 50. It was not  until the next day when the daughter came to visit Joannie , her mother, that I learn of the incident. This would have meant nothing except immediately after having the dream, while it was fresh in my mind I went down the hall and record it the dream. I believe now and because I have promised a copy of the recording to Joannie's  other daughter Tammy. I beleive this was send as a gift to help Tammy with the passing of her mother and the pain which would come. 

Another incident occured in those few days after Joannie's death. Her 20 year old Granddaughter was  having a very hard time with her grandmothers death and a few days after the death; she awoke from a spirit visit dream.  Her boyfriend woke her up  to stop her crying  and she told  him that she was visiting her grandmother at the Homestead; and after talking to her grandmother, she now was OK with the death. Of all the grandchildren, she was taking it the hardest and had cried for two days straight. Since having this dream the granddaughter has now able to handle  her grandmothers death.

Closer to home, in my wife family many years earlier, I had the same sort of problem accepting the death of my wife's uncle whom I had got to know closely as he lived in the same house and whom had driven us (teenagers) to various places.  In my wife family house, I saw His spirit in the  stairway of the house shortly after his death. I even knew it was him and the dream helped me to deal with his death,  As I conforted the grandchildren of Joannie, I explained how their grandmother, Joannie,  would visit each one of them in the near future to help them with their grief. The first to be visited was Hally because she found it so hard.

 I believe strongly in these helpful visits to the grieving members of the family, and accept that not everyone will accepts this story.   I certainly was not thinking of this when I was sitting in the hospital with my dear friend.. It just happen.  That the Spirit of a loved one will come and visit  in time and help them handle their grief.

 I was lucky,  with the death of my friend, because in her last week at home, I was able to help her, In those last days it was hard required making a big effort as I was the only one living at the homestead with her.  I got some peace and certainly less of a burden of lost. . Joannie was a loving person and even after death could not allow her grandchildren and children (and friends) to suffer and came in a dream to help.   As I read this blog, nearly 2 years later and I am at home because of the Coronavirus's country lockdown; I know this virus is very dangerous for me (at 75).

Believe what you want 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Family Life After Death

Following the death of a Friend or Family member,
Joannie (1945 - 2018)

We often get together for a "Celebration of one’s life". However, I guess we should live every day as if it is our last and celebrate the happiness of being alive.

A month ago my dear friend Joanne,  passed away quickly with cancer
The last month it has been and eye-opener to what happens after our death. Yes, there’s a great deal of sadness by all. Family tend tp come together to share the loss. But this blog is to look at our material world in which we live, and seems, to often , is to ask the first question of “What’s going to happen to…… “. and thoughts turn to land, home, belongs and everything but helping others to cope with this very sad time. Over the years we accumulate a great many things from gardening and home repairs to personal belongings like clothing, music and even Make-up. Sad, but even on her hospital death bed, a family member asked "Can I have her ring, which she is wearing" She was thinking of those she would leave behind as she made arrangement for me and her dog to remain at the Homestead.
Today, a month later, I still live at the Homestead where we shared accommodations. Her granddaughter was explaining my presence to Friends and said “ This is JJ, (John James) My grandmother’s friend" 

 For the last month I have worked to prepare for the coming " Celebration of Life" gathering and take care of Missy who was very much attached to Joannie. I have introduce her (Missy) to the Dog Park and everyday it is her moment of joy.  When 5pm arrives she will start asking me for the car and if we are going.

Since, last month there has been much work in the preparation for the Her "Celebration of life"   Yes there was regular charge to do
Missy at Dog Park
like cutting the lawn but during our life together, we lived with the acceptance of things in  certain places, It seem that everything gathered in the long (40 foot) porch, and when several people are coming to the house for this sort of celebration; everything must be put put in its place. The entrance porch was full,  Yes, I mean full of everything over the past few years had come from the car from somebody moving, or just brought indoors due to bad weather. Where to put everything.  The house was also full of things which we collect and make up our life.
Joannie Loved Flowers

Finally, the 11 August arrived,  the day for the "Celebration of Joannie's Life". Sunny and  everyone seem there as the yard was completely fill with vehicles of friends family and neighbours.  Some were missing like her Son from Alberta and a sister, but all who knew her over the years came to celebrate and share the lost.

Joannie,  my friend, (photo)  loved roses so in her entrance
as a gift, I planted two rosebushes which I was happy to do.  Of course, now her residence will become the residence her grandsons and whether theses rosebushes are care for or not doesn’t really matter because, I believe Joanne will be looking down and sees these rosebushes every day. Every day As I do my daily chores, of cutting the lawn and maintaining the property; I have this joy of her presence.

Family Friction ??  Yes, after a month, I guess there was certain to be friction in the family who waited for the decision of the missing Last Will. But in general the gathering was friendly. Each had their own interest and certain  family members wanted to know what was promised to them.  Actually all celebrated "her life" as she lived it. "Loving everyone and always having a good word to say about everyone.
Morning Flowers

Today, Everything is now over, myself, I  do the regular choirs (feeding  dog and cat and regular cleaning) and placed flowers on the kitchen table every morning which was  one of her joys. Although, the photos with her urine of ashes still cover the living room table I find the house empty.  . However, with the exception of a couple family members which have work very hard over the last month and  now come daily to divide  all of Joannie's belongings; most of the family members coming are people gettng their share of what my friend Joannie left behind.

Where the celebration of life was cars and  over 80 people,  often people which were not seen during  the last week or months of her life; this last week has been trucks and  the continual question, “Can I have this or can I have that ?” To watch a truck load of furniture or  bedroom thing drive out of the driveway I can only think “They certainly must have a a bed at home". or "Do they really need that or is it something that can be sold" That is life after our DEATH ?  "Who is going ot get what "

Rest in peace my dear friend.
 Of Course, you know, that those that you leave behind all still  have their day-to-day problems; which you are now free from, but even in these time; we still think of you and miss your presence.  Dear Friend it will not be the same.