Thursday, October 20, 2005

OLD Loto Tickets - The invisible world of "Lucky or NOT.... I want to buy my Loto ticket"
Here in Canada, tonight is the big $30 Million dollar Loto 6/49 draw. Hope you have your ticket. Often when the local corner store, which sells the loto tickets, has a group draw prepared; they continue to sell the tickets after the closing hour of the legal sales.
Because the draw is at 9 pm in Ontario, here in Quebec there are not ticket sales after 10 pm. However, the draw is not yet done and people too late for getting their tickets may accept to become a member of the group. (10 people paying $2 for 10 combination of numbers)
I just went to get my lucky 6/49 $30 Million Ticket, and asked if there was any groups tickets left. The clerk replied "No, but there are still the Super 7" There on the counter was the group copies for maybe 4 participations.
Because the Super 7 was drawn last night, and it is 10 am, the next morning; so I questioned "But it already has been drawn ?" To which the clerk replied. "Yes but we have not yet check the numbers". AHUUUUUU ???? From what world do you invade us. Did anyone who has bought their group ticket called to say " WE WON, WE WON"


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