Friday, December 26, 2008

Edge of the Cliff - When I was working in Computer Management and Disaster Recovery; we had an expression. "So often we walk to the edge of Disaster and look over the cliff, and back away..only to forgot how close we came to falling"
Sometimes, blogs are written to release personal emotions and this blog the day after christmas was a long blog about the absence of friends at this time of reunion. However, several days afterward it was deleted to the above few lines.
Since that time, and on my birthday in January; I had one of those Disaster which will always be a memory. Today, the end of February, I am updating this blog with these comments.
On my birthday, as I came home from work and expected to go to dinner of "Fish and Chips" I had a fire in my kitchen which destroyed my apartment. Today, the end of february, I am into another apartment and that fire is history. (OR IS IT ??)
Today, I had to come home from work early because I had an emotion panic attack about that fire. It was that I thought I saw smoke (and I did smell smoke) coming out of a storage area and I called FIRE FIRE FIRE. But no one answered and I was surprise as I am sure that many had heard me. It was not a joke or false alarm. It was that my co-workers were cleaning out the large heating furnace and the sout and dust was picked up by the ventilation system and carried several Storage areas away. This created an appearance of smoke and certainly smelled fire.
So I saw smoke rolling out the top of the Delivery Bay doors and Yelled.. But no one came or answered and I had to go investigate myself..afterwhich, I then had to walk across the yard to another work area to get someone.. (although there were several poeple who certainly hear me call)
I came home from work early because at dinner I end thinking a lot and getting very upset of "What if there was a fire?" and in my kitchen fire I was trapped upstairs and then after the ambulance drive I spend overnight in the hospital for smoke inhaleation.
My following 10 days off work was filled with several recalls and the thought of how lucky I was to have got out of the apartment. So this recall and panic attack was really a serious recall of the events and no one answered because they all knew that the cleaning of the furnace causes that smell and appearance. But to me the fire was real..
So we do sometime remember how close we came to disaster.. (Updated 27th Feb 2009)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Budweiser Beer and Sales - What a strange Blog title under this "Our Invisible World"
Well, I just watched these Clyesdale Horses harnessed as the team and hooked them up to the famous 8 horse team, Budweiser Beerwagon. (photo is from Moncton Times & Transcripts)/div>

It was great to see these beautiful animals which were unloaded from 3 large Budweiser advertised Tandons as they arrive in Moncton.

Behind the BAY and Sobey on Main Street,I and several hundred people watched. (photo is from Kansas City newspaper where the same wagon team is also on exhibit yes today...there is more than one team)

It was great to listen to the comments of everyone in the crowd. Like always, some know it all, even someone to make loud quick noise to spook the horses, but mostly parents showing their children, the curious and then some old folks (like me) with memories...
I know horses and love horses because as a school boy I was responsiblie for seven work horses, before breakfast and the school bus. To stand for an hour and a half watch them harness and hookup the gaint clyesdale horses... was pure joy.. (only thing missing was a friend to share it with.??)
What is strange of OUR INVISIBLE WORLD, is that they are in Riverview (across the river from Moncton today) and in Riverside MO. at the same time as reported in the Kansas City News. As we stood there with the belief that this was a unique opportunity to see this team, and being told it was the first time it has ever been west of Montreal.. my research for a photo on the internet showed a Newpaper article that August 20th they are in Kansas City until Sunday (tomorrow)Actually there are 5 teams and wagons travelling the country and Anheuser-Busch (parent company of Budweiser Beer) own 275 clydesdales at 9 stables of breeding, training and retirement.,
Last Year, I retired with the idea I would work on a horse farm in norther didn't work out and I do miss my horses. So, as you can believe, I valued this opportunity to see them. Would one pay to see them? Yes, when these horses visited the Lake County Fair in Arlington Heights IL in august 2004 tickets were sold at $4.95.. for enterance to the 3 shows at the county fair.

To enjoy how a big clyesdale can be such a heart breaker, to us older folks who remember horses. But to all young at heart, I offer you a video of a young clyesdale on the Youtube budweiser commercial.
It is surprising what one finds when they search for a photo. Would you believe that there is a Ralph Lauren Clysdale , a beautiful pair of white suedes for $222.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

INVISIBLE HOME TOWN - I have lived here for 6 months and have yet to see the area.. Moved to this town only 30minutes from my home town and never saw the beauty of the area like I did yesterday. After 30 years away, I have returned home..but not until I stood on the beach (Samauri Beach) and put my feet into the water of the Atlantic Ocean which comes up the Bay of Fundy and becomes the Chignecto Bay and mouth of the Petitcodiac River.

Moncton N.B. sit on the shore of this River and is the home of the previous Tital Bore. (This 2 foot wall of water coming up the river as the highest tides in the world changes so fast that the river can not keep it raising water pace; is quite the thing to see.)

I meet a friend for Coffee and we drove up the river toward the area of Cove Enrage where one can see Nova Scotia across the water and the Lighthouse of the area offers a exciting view of the coast line. Here between the high cliffs of what later makes Ffundy National Park I was able to take my shoes off and walk the rocky shoreline to the water...The tide was out and like the above photo quite a walk. But 30 years ago I left Nova Scotia for Quebec and now I was home. But until (now) I put my feet into the Bay of Fundy (Altantic Ocean) I did not feel that I was home. I will remember this moment always. A very good and dear friend did this for me.. and she will always be special .

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Beggers and the Poor - This is the beginning of the month and here in Québec, almost all have a cheque. The social system is so quick that unless you are homeless and just got into town; you have financial support. This is not an invisible world because we see them everywhere. What is invisible is the strategy and victims they decide to target.
Was at McDonald with all my grandkids and as we were leaving the badly dressed gentleman (if he was gentle I didn't notice it) But where they would target the rich.. I guess they realize that the rich are rich because they keep their money.. So now they are targetting the poor who take the first of the month to take the kids to McDonald

Monday, January 28, 2008

How INVISIBLE does the Internet make us? As I began using FACEBOOK which is called a Social Network or Activity; I find we are opening doors to ourself. Not a bad thing, unless you have things to hide, or are hiding. The TRUTH is always the truth and a LIE is always remembering what you said. So being truthful can do nothing except lost privacy. But then again why be on the Net and why be using programs like FaceBook, which require you to interact with society.
Having seen the computer network go from a local hub network (in the local area and you were a member of a Medium area LAN) to the development of sites which allow you to carry a "Network name"; I find this truthful... who are you network an advancement. Before, you only identify yourself by some unique name. (Springhiler for years) and indicated from which part of the country you call home. Of course, in your profile you were expected to tell all or what you wanted... But truthful...
Now, a Social Site like Facebook requires you to give your real name and real infromation, and they allow filters to prevent your non-friends to not find that information. ( AS I am learning the in and outs of Facebook's privacy options, I guess, when all is learned, I can be socially active and still maintain some level of privacy.

But Who is online looking (reading) your profile ? Absence of Comment or Saying nothing keeps you invisible to the facebook profile you are viewing. - Guess like being in a dark room full of poeple. If no-one speaks one might think they are alone there. Yes, we know that anyone can come in to the room as the door is always open and sit; I guess we therefore learn to be careful of what we say..
Guess, for too long with unidentified names, people have been free to be real idiots and feel no-one knows. I, therefore thank the presence of Comments in anything I do.. If it is not contre-idea I will leave it there. Destructive or attacking comments seldom get accepted. Yes, on Facebook, I have blocked some individuals. It is because I want my privacy and feel these people (whom I know personnally) only seek the profile information for their own destructive raison. I feel really bad putting someone on Block or Limited, when I know their only mistake is their choice of friends. But if I block someone, and they go onto facebook with a friend and are still viewing your Facebook profile; they are not respecting your original intentions. Maybe at times we are getting a little too concerned .

Facebook is like that Baseball Story "Field of Dreams and the saying.. "Build it and they will come"

Thank you for this another social experience. All it means is we must learn to adapt and associate within the limits we want or else leave the room.
(On the other hand, I realize that if someone is in the room and nothing is said; we don't even know they are present. "Maybe they want to stay in the dark" and maybe they are being sure before they say Hello. Our society has certainly made us a bit afraid of our shadow.
Watched a CSI movie recently, where the resturant was serving food in the dark and all the clients were in total darkness. Of course, someone got killed (hurted) Back to basics... Truth.. Open the lights or at least say Hi. to indicate you are present. (I take the liberty here to say thanks to Melissa who said Hi with a comment and I (sorry but for now anyway) limited block her) Good people don't do that to friends... and so... guess we have to learn to open doors slowly..
Facebook was ... signup... and began building... and whoops.. is that too personnal..??

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Well, I just approved a comment from Lucy and I guess it went to the Invisible World because I do not find it on the various blogs. She was making a comment that On-line dating works and she will be now three years with her friend she found on Well, Lucy, I am sorry that your comment got lost... (I did approve it) Computers are a part of our invisible world.
Today, a little lady on the bus, was talking on her Cell phone and open the bus window to wave out the window (it is -36 today) She was say..."Do you see me ,,, I am waving out the bus window" And at 60 plus she was having a great time with her cellphone.
My previous wife, just go a desktop, although she said she would never have a computer. But it is for the kids and grand kids whom will be chatting on-line. But what was earlier invisible. A few computers in homes... they are everywhere.. everyone has to have one. Well that is true for becoming more visible... But one thing I know... A lot goes lost on computer.. I am always wondering where that file was stored or how to get it back because it was deleted.