Friday, September 30, 2005

Don't Walk - Walk Lights - As we cross the street we see the Walk-Don't Walk light in front of us but did you every turn around when you get across and look back at the light on the opposite side.
Here, we often get the light which walks one way and the other way it does not. Invisible to the individual whom see people waiting on the opposite side of the street after you have left the curb.
Of course, they began to walk when they see the opposite side walking, but how stupid the city is to not have lights on both side of the street. Guess it save money, as the Walk - Don't Walk light post are not similar to the regular Traffic lights which hang overhead for the Drivers to see.
Become, invisible wise and report to the city those siturations or those lights that do not work the same on both sides of the walkway.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Takes Three to Breed - Would you believe it, not two to tangle, but three. The city of St-Bruno, near Montréal now charges a 40 dollar Breeding Fee to all residence. Of course, it is not for people but for animals, when there are three animals or more in the same household.

My friend always wanted a Huskie and finally got a pup recently. He went to get the dog tags and as he was paying the tags, and filling out the form, he indicated he now had three animals at home.

"That will be an extra 40 Dollars as a Breeding Fee" he was told. Argue as he would that his two cats were both females and properly fixed; and the third animal was a dog; nothing would change the administrator attitude.

I learned of this when My household became a family with the Cat having a litter of three kittens. Guess, I will be visited soon. Or should I seek out the Tom cat which made my Susie in that condition and have the owner pay the breeding fee. In this case it only took one animal.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Behind the Looking Glass - In Science fiction we sometimes come across stories of parallel universe and for me, when I was going through a bad time; the Mirrors in my life was that doorway. Have you ever been in days where everything goes wrong ?. Troubles after troubles follow you and there seems to be a dark cloud over your head. You feel the weight of that cloud like a deep depression. Well, in a younger time, I walked a path between the Good of Christ, and the Evil of the World. Certainly a bad trip. But this existence of two world often got me extremely sick and depress until one day I began passing from one world to the other by way of the Looking Glass Door. When I felt everything was going wrong, from what I was attempting to do; I would walk up to a Mirror and say to myself "I am on the wrong side" and thinking that I had passed to the other side I would walk away feeling confidence everything would now change. It did... Probably because of a positive attitude. If it did not, I would think I probably fooled my self and never got pass the looking of myself to the other side and would return to the mirror. If you think this is crazy, try it when that dark cloud of depression hangs low and depression or problems seem too strong to bear.
(Of course you can also put your problems in the hand of Christ..if you know how too)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Power Failure - Hydo Companies should give a day or two free electricity following a power failure. Even if it was only a short (several Minutes) outage. WHY?

It is invisible to them how much they force us to be depending on electricity and then how much our lives are completely turned up side down when everything loses their power.

The WORST is being late for work because the Clock radio lost it time and now the alarm does not sound at 6:30 for you to start your day. This fear of losing the time due to a power failure hangs heavy on us all until we install a backup clock of a battery type.

Life is impossible for some people who are completely invisible to the technical needs of this sort of problem. Unable to re program the VCR and the CD radio, these individuals, after trying unsuccessfully, simple do without.

Yesterday, I made a regular re-program visit to a friend. She had removed the VCR cable from the TV and connected the TV antenna directly instead of reprogramming the VCR. She no longer listen to the radio because all stations (1, 2, 3,) did not work. Of course, who remembers the numbers of the radio station 101.9 when you are use to using the programs

Monday, September 26, 2005

Avoid Questions with Buzzword Answers . It was always felt that communications was to relay facts which would answer a question. Sometime, the answer has been so arranged to make you feel you do not know what you are asking and therefore not ask another question. BUZZwords were high tech terms used in an industry to communicate that the person was aware of new ideas. However, the use of detail technical terms to answer an layman's question is also a Buzzword answer.
Invisible, is this method of replys to questions which staff are trained to give to customers. Anyone with a little insight would have seen that this question arrives often and the staff are trained to reply. (I believe that the individual themselves does not know what they have said )
These answers often are so arranged to not answer the question but throw a confusing comment at the customer, thereby making them feel stupid or unwilling to question the situration further.
Here, we have a major Cable distribution company called V..... which also has video cassette sales and rental outlets every where through the province.
As a member, with the small yellow ident card used for scanning and rentals; I went into this second V.... store to check out and rent videos which might have been different. These two stores are about 200 yards apart, between two lights on the same major street .
Advised, by the new store, that they do not use the ident cards and it is necessary to open a seperate account with them if I wish to rent films; I asked "Are you not V...., like the store up the street?"
"Yes our stores are owned by V.... but corporate strategy and management allows for individual controls and probably even possible francises" store is different with a different manager and administration. DRUUUUUUP.... Do I feel stupid?
I should have known that. Was I thinking the same staff works at the two stores and walked down the street every hour. But the question was "Are you not both the outlets of the the same company.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

BLOG is invisible - If like myself, you throw on the Spelling Checker; you have probably discovered that BLOG is not there.. Seems strange that a program which can have words added as they are discovered as missing; does not have that one word describing the users (Blogger) or site.
Invisible to the administrators of this BLOG and their maintains of the dictionary. Who would write the word "blog" in a Blog. Ok the dictionary only check spelling and does not give definitions; so why is this important word not there.. or as just written about HIV positive. (no HIV does not exist)
Guess I will send a copy of this blog to the blogspot administrator or blogger. Lets see, go to setting and put their e-mail address in the e-mail... Gosh so easily...if you know the address.. guess they also want to be invisible to receiving blogs... Well there is also the ability to cut and paste (C&P) to suggestions.. (Guess tomorrows blog is today... invisible to date changes ha ha)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hidden in Plain View - HIV positive, was a watch word at the beginning of the 21 century. And safe SEX became a concern. Everyone seem to hear news of a friend or important individuals having discovered they were HIV positive. This was an invisible world, we all closed our eyes, until it hit home. Yes, the tube pushed stories after stories until we became more sensate to reality.
When writing about the invisible cleaning lady (Sept 16) a comment came from a HIV blog.
Yes, like the cleaning lady whom we accept into our lives; but don't see, talk about and certainly don't talk too; we have began to exclude this sickness from our reality.
Invisible, because we know it is there but continue to not become involved; the number of new cases detected yearly has greatly increased over the last couple of years. Scare of the possibility of infection, it was the worst of the unsafe sex encounters. But during the past few years it has been placed as just another possible danger of Unprotected Sex or Liberal Sexual attitudes.
First it was invisible because we knew so little about it. Then informed we became more "not my problem" blind to its presence around us. The Gay movement, seem to gain movement; and we saw it as their problem. Now, we are again placing it in the area of invisible reality. Knowing it is there, but no longer concern; we are now even telling ourselves it is not a danger. We argue that more and more people are living longer with medications. etc . etc.. So back to the hidden reality while we exclude this from our concern. It is not part of our world.
Yes, we exclude these people from our circles, they are not our type or we don't need to know them, unless they are our servants like waiters, barmaids, hairstylist and others. Back away if they say they are gay, because they are more than likely also HIV positive... What a crock... Open our (your) eyes.. See the flowers and the weeds and give each there share of attention.

Friday, September 23, 2005

We see what you are doing. - ( do you think we are stupid?? ) The biggest influence on our life is that tube. We spend so much time watching what we consider as enterainment, we seldom consider how it is influencing our opinion. I remember a program some time back... a girl was raped in the back of a van. Once the idea is in your mind it is there for good... Yes I wish I did not see it, but I can not remove that memory.
Last night it was the first of a new program "E-Ring" about the CIA, Army, etc etc... but it was about how they ( chief of staff, DND, etc...) all decicded to go into the 12 mile (or was it 20 miles) zone of China to retreive a CIA agent. (USA breaking the rules again). The new series was ...." U don't leave anyone behind" as the reason... and of course China had started to develop a steld... ( is that how it is spelled) submarine. Well, TV,,, yes Television, influences how we think about a thing. As we watch a program which is enterainment, we forget that in the Invisilble world of influence we do not forget what we have seen.
In the news tonight is the history of China and how it is chan (dictionary) ... challenging the USA. Strange a program influencing my views on the USA decision to involve in the internal affairs of China and justifing (dictionary) justify the US involvement. An invisable world of influence and hidden agenda. Glad I am a Canadian.... (Yes need a dictionary, stupid but not too stupid)
How much of our TV do we see as an hidden (invisible) agenda..
A "Blog" is like like diary which is open and anyone can read... but no one reads We just expresses our opinion and ... " So what .."" ha ha..

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Lost Cashier - Are Self-service checkout counters at the supermarket removing jobs from Cashiers ? Tonight, I used the machine for the first time, as I saw the long line at the few items cashier. It was not all that bad, although the Vegetables seem a bit more difficult. Reading the codes was unique. Where was the Cashier ? I checked the controlling Cashier station where she was controlling 6 machines; and was aware she needs to be on her toes. (Maybe, be cause more are first time users, like myself)
I was surprised to see (or discover) all the electronic controls. Electric eye detects your presence, even the bags sit on a weight sensor which detects if you put something in your bags. And don't try to take your bags before paying; the Cashier arrives FAST. No I was not attempting to leave, I just thought that now all was checked in, I had to take my bags and go to the cashier at the end. (No, machine takes your money, bills, cards everything).
Invisible world because of the disappearing Cashier but most off all, we forget how much electronics can check every move, every unique variations of the norm. Worst is the damm machine say "Put your item in the bag" when I left it on the side of the reader after reading. It would not advance until I did. Guess now will have to see if it detects two items bagged at a time..Ha ha.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sex Slavery - Tonight, the Canadian program "The passionate Eye" covered the Russian kidnapping of women into trips to neighboring countries where they are sold into the large cities prostitution. How can police, when supplied with television footage of actual exchange of money and actual charges laid by the women; continue to ignore the crimes. Are they proslavery and recruiting free services for their blind eye. This invisible world must be confronted at each individual levels. Here in Canada we have a immigration policy allowing Exotic Dancers to work in the Country. I will be taking some Blog time to write a letter concerning this BLIND EYE

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Verbal Diarrhea - Invisible to the individual who seems to write and write, this is certainly my problem with the previous postings. Rather than give my views in detail, I would rather open the reader's eyes to what is hidden or hard to see. Before posting I did not notice the running off. Sorry.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Holes in World's Reality (part 2)
Part 2 - In the previous, we saw how people with difficulties must learn to create a picture of reality.
Yes a Blind person accepts they can do Lawnbowling if they receive sufficient information. But as a handicap individual rebuild their life with the assistance they receive.(a wheelchair, a volunteer, memory remainders, and even medication) they want their weakness to be invisible.
Not wanting dependence,they create limits of assistance and visibility,and understanding that those around them will respect these limits. They do not see the difficulty with which friends and family find it impossible to not treat them differently.
Also when a friend has their accident which caused the handicap, all seem to be invisible to be accepting the new restrictions.. This is an invisible world we must walk into and live, whether the handicap individual or friends. How do we not see them and not want to help. How do we help without making them feel dependent. Can we talk about IT or never discuss IT.

A friend of mine who helps blind lawnbowlers often says to his charge. "Look at me, can't you see what I am saying ? You are doing this, or that" He is treating the individual as anyone else. However, same taboos exists like "Can't you see" could be replaced with " I am sure you see that..."

It is strange but the level of making the handicap invisible is in our own self. As long as we see them as different and are happy that has not happen to us; there is no way our expression, or actions can not reflect it.

So in part 1 we were talking about how these individuals accept holes in the reality of they world. How, things remain invisible until the result or information is received.

Would you believe our life is like that too.

Many of our actions have holes of delay between the start of the action and the results of action. Different results then we expected means changing our method of presentation of the action; whether an interview, a budget, a speech or other actions. We certainly, become use to periods of "no information"
Having given a rose to a lovely women, or your wife; You wait for her reply have expectation of what the results will be The invisible world of her thoughts and emotions become clear. (Most men are said to be in the dark as to that invisible world of women's emotions) Her immediately reply, if the rose wa given in person,has a very short delay and hole of visible understand. But waiting for her to call, can be long if the delivery by the flower shop.

Or you have send out invitations to friends for the weekend party and must wait for their decision and reply. Like the blind bowler, we know at a point we will have our results and information but the waiting forces us to living in an invisible world. Not knowing, not seeing what has happen.

Even receiving the phone call, we become blind and depend upon the voice to imagine the person. They could be wearing anything at the time, a suit, a rags or jeans or a housecoat. The phone is a door into the invisible world, and others want that invisibility as knowing they are not seen, seem to do strange things while on the phone. (read "Don't want to know" on Sept 17th)

This invisibility is a reality of our world. Like a Car rally, the Rally of events which are all invisible, as they arrive , or as we attempt to make them happen; we just go from point to point waiting for the best results in the end. We should see that layoff at work coming but facts made it invisible until the last few weeks. We should have seen that that friend was using us for a personal gain but we wanted their friendship so much we closed our eyes and let the best come out of it.
Point - We live everyday and every few minutes with holes in reality. Blind sports and hope in things coming out for the best. Our invisible world forces us to have confidence in what is to come next and wait for it. Knowing this invisibility of reality we can not worry about what is, whether invisible or visible, just not waste the time to worry about it. While going to the next checkpoint in our Rally through our invisible world we are living for the moment and happy for the chance. The world of reality is "Everything is not what it seems to be"

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Holes in World's Reality (part 1) - This is a strange side of the invisible world. Imagine if in our ability to see things, it was restricted to only a fraction of a second and until several seconds later; we saw nothing. As an example, you are watching a tennis game and someone walks between you and the game. You hurry to see around the person who is blocking your view. You hear the tennis racket hitting the ball and the ball hitting the ground but see nothing.
Or have you had a movie on television stopped for commercials. What if you had a reception problem and the picture disappears for 5 or 6 seconds, and that part of the movie was lost. Can you imagine living life in this invisible world of several lost seconds every few seconds. Yes some people do know this world, and believe it they are happy to have those few seconds of reality Strange way to live life. Strange way to exist.
Who are they, Well they are you and I and others like the Blind or other lost of ability in life. If it is your eyes and your hearing still works, you hope to continue to get your information from what you hear. If you lost your walking, or your memory, or your ability to be accepted by others as equal.
Yes, I am talking about the Handicap. Blind, wheelchair bound, mental sickness and others. Do they don't have short shots of vision of reality. Or do they simply live their lives and learn to live with the seconds of information or ability they do have.

I work as a volunteer and Director to Blind Lawnbowlers. And their world of playing Lawnbowling, exist in seconds of lost reality as the next reality information is recieved or given by someone to help develop their image of reality.
As the blind bowler is on the delivery mat, with the lawnbowling bowl in their hand, they hear the directors voice assisting the with their delivery. " You are turning your wrist" or " No, your delivery is too much left" I am standing directly in the line of delivery, so the blind bowler is rolling their bowl directly at my voice. With all the information collected, and believing in our judgement, we say "OK now" and they do their lawnbowling delivery.
Yes, they do a very good delivery. Even to the point of hitting the jack and stopping within inches. Practice.
But, once they deliver the bowl and it begins rolling toward the target (jack) their reality goes out like a light for the 5 or 6 seconds while their bowl rolls to the jack. As the bowl comes to a stop they receive information from their director as to it location. 3 feet at 5 o'clock (12 a head and 6 toward you).
This example is given because we value our sight and can imagine the lost of information and reality for short periods of time.
We know if there was a bell or whistle on the bowl; they can hear it as it goes up the green, and fill this hole of reality and vision.. In their mind's eye where they see and create their world of reality with the information, they see in their own way. In their sport or daily walk in life, they know they are doing the right thing and wait. The Blind Lanwbowler create a good shot and wait until the bowls stops to have the result of their efforts. and create a world of their reality.
How real is how well they remember their bowls locations (all four) and even their opponents. (certainly not as we see them with our eyes, but more as a bullet shot target).
But as they play end to end, in bowls or in life; they live several recurrences of this lost reality.
This is the world of the some people daily, always to the corner and looking for the next reference point. (corner where must turn left, memory of something) Life is like a car rally every minute of their day.. ..........................Part 2. Believe it or not... We live this same car rally life and invisible world, with the many holes in our reality and visible world.