Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hidden in Plain View - HIV positive, was a watch word at the beginning of the 21 century. And safe SEX became a concern. Everyone seem to hear news of a friend or important individuals having discovered they were HIV positive. This was an invisible world, we all closed our eyes, until it hit home. Yes, the tube pushed stories after stories until we became more sensate to reality.
When writing about the invisible cleaning lady (Sept 16) a comment came from a HIV blog.
Yes, like the cleaning lady whom we accept into our lives; but don't see, talk about and certainly don't talk too; we have began to exclude this sickness from our reality.
Invisible, because we know it is there but continue to not become involved; the number of new cases detected yearly has greatly increased over the last couple of years. Scare of the possibility of infection, it was the worst of the unsafe sex encounters. But during the past few years it has been placed as just another possible danger of Unprotected Sex or Liberal Sexual attitudes.
First it was invisible because we knew so little about it. Then informed we became more "not my problem" blind to its presence around us. The Gay movement, seem to gain movement; and we saw it as their problem. Now, we are again placing it in the area of invisible reality. Knowing it is there, but no longer concern; we are now even telling ourselves it is not a danger. We argue that more and more people are living longer with medications. etc . etc.. So back to the hidden reality while we exclude this from our concern. It is not part of our world.
Yes, we exclude these people from our circles, they are not our type or we don't need to know them, unless they are our servants like waiters, barmaids, hairstylist and others. Back away if they say they are gay, because they are more than likely also HIV positive... What a crock... Open our (your) eyes.. See the flowers and the weeds and give each there share of attention.

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