Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Online Dating (Looking) - Does the internet and the many dating websites change the individual's attitude toward multi-dating. It is invisible to us how we must change our thinking for new technology.
When I was younger, many decades ago, we searched the halls of school for friends and finally a steady. We were free to look until we committed ourself to a single individual. After that everyone was just friends and we would not think of suggesting an encounter or meeting somewhere. We had decided upon one "Love of our life" even if it sometime did not last the complete school term

Now, as I search or Americian Singles I see a lot of 29 to 39 men and women looking for partners. I have found only a few on this rather expensive dating website. But the question I ask about the invisible world we creat around is "Do we communicate and attempt to develop relationships with several partners at the same time?"
Feeling guilt if I am e-mailing one individual, and receiving e-mails from several others; I ask is the e-mails like "the searching of the halls" and until you meet the individual in person you are still being politically correct. I guess, the old saying... "Telling the truth means never having to remember what lies you told" applies; as I would think three or four correspondance at a time can easily become confusing.
If you have payed for a year's membership and you are not in a hurry to find that right person, you may restrict your activities to one or two individuals. But a lot of these individuals may not be there later if you don't make contact immediately.
There is a feeling of false respresentation if several communications are maintained. Does this acceptance of multi-dating attempts lead individuals to accept the same several companions after a serious relationship has started. (an invisible effect on our morals)
I participate in a sport which collects 200 individuals together, after 4 years, I have seen or been interested in establishing an relationship with maybe two. How strange it is to be on the internet and searching Canada or a website for companions. As I write this blog has 26,122 members online in Canada and the USA.
Stop your laughing... some poeple do use the web to find companions... (invisible to a lot of poeple are the successful matches. home page shows a couple whom say "We met when Maria saw my profile and messaged me. I saw her picture and was surprised she was even on a personals site. "
P.S. No photo for this blog entry... Don't want to get you searching the dating sites...

1 comment:

Lucy said...

I was looking through my blogs and noticed you have been reading my blog because of my post on Ishi and I wanted you to know that On-line dating does work. Check out my post

My soul mate and I have been together for three years and are planning to marry next year. I had been registered at Cupid Junction and my Sweetie was on Dream Mates. We corresponded for two months before we met face to face and haven't looked back sense. Good look in your search.

By the way I now have other blogs that you may be interested in. Check them out at:

I look forward to reading your comments. Take care. Lucy :)