Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Power Failure - As I sit through a "Country" power failure in Nova Scotia; I realize that after 30 years in the big city we don't know about this. It is an invisible world, being in an old farm house, in the country and the hydro goes out.
Do we know where the candles are ? Do we have flashlights ? Is there such a thing as a Colman Lamp? And then again, what do you do for 5 hours between 6pm and 11pm?

It was also an invisible world to listen to music from an old gramiphone which was cranked up by a lever and used old 78 vinyl disk. Checking the album information I discovered the album of 6 disks was copywrite in 1945. (60 years yes, and still worked good) I told my brother, you have the volume up too high and it is forcing the speakers. I was suprise to discovered it had no speakers but a wooden opening which came down from the needle to this large open wooden box. (behind a speaker type cover material)

So it is an invisible world to visit with old music (western) and candle light in a farmhouse.

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