Power Failure - As I sit through a "Country" power failure in Nova Scotia; I realize that after 30 years in the big city we don't know about this. It is an invisible world, being in an old farm house, in the country and the hydro goes out.
Do we know where the candles are ? Do we have flashlights ? Is there such a thing as a Colman Lamp? And then again, what do you do for 5 hours between 6pm and 11pm?
It was also an invisible world to listen to music from an old gramiphone which was cranked up by a lever and used old 78 vinyl disk. Checking the album information I discovered the album of 6 disks was copywrite in 1945. (60 years yes, and still worked good) I told my brother, you have the volume up too high and it is forcing the speakers. I was suprise to discovered it had no speakers but a wooden opening which came down from the needle to this large open wooden box. (behind a speaker type cover material)
So it is an invisible world to visit with old music (western) and candle light in a farmhouse.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Business Class - As I take the Airplane from Montreal to Moncton N.B; I must fly to Toronto and then back to New Brunswick from Toronto. I always thought that Business Class was like 1st Class; but I call it business class because it was all passengers in suits.
With the gentleman on the end of the row, using his Ipod and talking to his office (while we were waiting to Taxi); seemed to be inconvienced by the flight. The absence of children or families, just business poeple, which had boarded the flight to Toronto; I reasoned that it was because this was a 6:15 Friday commute flight. Working executives going home after a week of work.
We were only 5 passengers, who stayed on the plane as it debarked the Business gang, and loaded the Economy Class.
Now this was certainly a different type of poeple. No ties, not briefcases and a few families with babies. Before everyone got their seats, the announcement was "We have found a baby blanket here at the front, has anyone lost it". And because this flight had been a commute flight from Montreal to Toronto; there were a lot of comments like "Oh we have TV on this flight" or "This is nice, will be a nice flight".
So, it is an invisible world, especially to me, who has flown only once before; the different type of passengers which might be travelling.
With the gentleman on the end of the row, using his Ipod and talking to his office (while we were waiting to Taxi); seemed to be inconvienced by the flight. The absence of children or families, just business poeple, which had boarded the flight to Toronto; I reasoned that it was because this was a 6:15 Friday commute flight. Working executives going home after a week of work.
We were only 5 passengers, who stayed on the plane as it debarked the Business gang, and loaded the Economy Class.
Now this was certainly a different type of poeple. No ties, not briefcases and a few families with babies. Before everyone got their seats, the announcement was "We have found a baby blanket here at the front, has anyone lost it". And because this flight had been a commute flight from Montreal to Toronto; there were a lot of comments like "Oh we have TV on this flight" or "This is nice, will be a nice flight".
So, it is an invisible world, especially to me, who has flown only once before; the different type of passengers which might be travelling.
Monday, November 14, 2005

Mind Set - Matters What we are thinking about and where our mind is SET can change what we think or hear. Seem stupid but invisible to us is how our minds prepares us for what we are going to receive. (photo www.coloradoyurt.com)
Like try thinking of how you must raise your arm to catch a tennis ball in you hand. Position it correctly for the receiving of the ball in the middle of the hand and close the hand around the ball as it hits the palm of our hand. Impossible to do but throw the ball to a friend and he will always be able to catch it with one hand... How? The mind does all the work.
Invisible to us.
I live in Quebec, and there are more french than english here. And of course the french language is not anything like english. masculine and feminine adjectives, articles and everything strange.
I know you do not want a French course. But imagine how our mind become prepared for the next word we hear. RED... what is next... yes an object RUN Get ready to go.. RUNNING going.
Would you believe that because of the masculine and feminine articles the french (speaking) individual does not even see humor the same.
We will play with words and wordplay will be the humor. (we laugh at the second meaning of the expression) French word play does not exist. Oh, yes, there are 7 types of Vert (glasses, glass, color,verse,toward) but they never seem to get a laugh out of something getting mixed up.
Also, once the mind is set to reveive a next word, the mind wants nothing more than that word. RED Foolish... still looks for a noun. We can't accept otherwise. I discovered this when talking with a 20 year long friend. I got the adjective mixed up and he could no way understand what I was saying. Vieux is masculine and Vieille is feminine
I was saying just two words Old Man "Vieux péré" with the word play of Péré being a religious order like monk.
My friend never married and we often called him the Pope.
But I got the adjective mixed and said "Vieille péré" No matter how I hard I tired to clearly pronounce "péré" he could not understand what I was saying.
In reality his mind was set to reveive a feminine word and he was fighting with the sound of Péré to find a feminine word which sounded like it. The "Vieille" had set the mind for the next word. Certainly an invisible world... How the mind forces us to see and hear what we expect.
A quick invisible world look.... did you ever wonder where these masculine and feminine ideas came from. Would you believe that the natives and older cilivizations were afraid of taboo caused by the women touching the man's tool. (See how you mind give you a different meaning because of women and man in the same sentence) The male believed that if the women touched his bow or weapon, the spirit of the wood or the spirit of the warrior collected in the weapon would be lost. Even when a women is in that time of the month, in some culture they are not allow to prepare food. In the americian Indian it was similar taboo. In some older languages it was even forbid for the women to use the word which described the weapon for fear it would cause a taboo and lose it power to protect the owner. So women has their own words for items which the men never spoke and the women likewise.
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Who is watching now ? - Because of technology, we are beginning to realize that cams are watching us almost all day. (This page and blog has had 8 visits yesterday)
Whether we go to the bank Teller Machine, or just walking in the shopping Mall; we are being watched.
It use to be that we seldom heard about the black box in airplanes. But now we are hearing daily about the black box in new cars. It detects the actual speed at the time of impact.
We never imagine we would have to take a lie-detector to prove our innocence, but I learned tonight (on the Larry Cash Morning Show) that credit companies and financial management companies have began to install voice analysis software on their telephone.
It use to be that we seldom heard about the black box in airplanes. But now we are hearing daily about the black box in new cars. It detects the actual speed at the time of impact.
We never imagine we would have to take a lie-detector to prove our innocence, but I learned tonight (on the Larry Cash Morning Show) that credit companies and financial management companies have began to install voice analysis software on their telephone.
"This call maybe monitored for reasons of quality control" is always heard by the telephone, before you make actual personal contact. Is this your warning that software is being used to detect that you are lying and trying to commit a crime.
Now when you telephone to give a credit card purchase, your voice patterns and tonation will be analysis to detect if you are lying. If you are detected by the software to be nervous or doubt as to you having the correct emotions; your call will be transferred to a supervisor.
To prevent idenity thief they tell us, but it is suprising the liberty taken to watch and follow us.
Now when you telephone to give a credit card purchase, your voice patterns and tonation will be analysis to detect if you are lying. If you are detected by the software to be nervous or doubt as to you having the correct emotions; your call will be transferred to a supervisor.
To prevent idenity thief they tell us, but it is suprising the liberty taken to watch and follow us.
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Teachers Watch what influence you do.. Here in Quebec, a lot of my friends went to school under the nuns and religious structure of education. (late 60's and early 70's).
The other night while playing a sport with fellow elderly people, I said to my fellow player. "Let Rene play now because he is right handed and the approach to the jack is best for a right handed" (I am also left handed but schooled in Nova Scotia)
Well she got really mad and explosive saying "All my life, especially when young, I have been told I was no good because I was left handed" She was in her 60's (As am I) and continued to explain "My fingers were cracked by the teacher because I wrote left handed" "Now you suggest I am not good enough to play next"
As a team, I had chosen because of the obstructs and the abilities of each of us three players (Pétanque); but she still had scars emotionally andphysicallyy from her early school years.
It was true that many religious teachers felt that left hander were a sign of evilinfluencede and should be changed. It was a school system of rigid rules and principles. Often aleft handedd student would be taken as an example. If something went wrong... "See the evil of not being like everyone else."
It is an invisible world for those who areleft handedd. My sister-in-law use to set the table in left hand style at my place. I could go to visit and I knew where I was expected to sit. It was always at the corner of a table where my left elbow would be free to pass the table without any influence from my eating companion.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Blogging - Invisible world Here I am waiting until tomorrow to present the blog of today. Why because this is part of the invisible world that I can not show you. I have choosen to write about the lefthander and some of the problems they have. Being right handed , you do not know about it.
Finished the article, I decide to look for a photo. Do you think I can find something that shows lefthanded. Yes instruments but they look like righthanded ... It is completely invisible to me.Well I think I am starting to disappear with this effort.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Missed but not forgotten - For you folks which have bookmarked my Blog and visited during the past 6 days.. (so sorry).. I will attempt to back order the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th 9th and today 10th.
I have justed passed a really bad week and between wanting to e-mail a classy lady and get ready for a trip home next week; I just forget to blog a little.
In the e-mail (to the classy lady), I send a photo of my companion of 5 years and thought I would use the blog for him. Pitch, my lab.
First, I had to leave him because, I had two appartments for 3 months, and the new one would not allow a dog. So Pitch had his own place, the old apartment. But the story of Pitch is how he saved his life by being kind to a old man.
He was being abused by residence of where I lived (4 floors of 2 1/2 slum appartments) and worked as a street worker with the poor and mentally challenged. He was left on the front step 4 years earlier and became a part of my work. However, the poeple whom I helped really need the help and I was available. I had lived with them, and now it was time to move on, after 6 years.
Being a large black lab, Pitch was very intimiding and allow me to bay off dealers and others very dangerous poeple, which are in the lives of these poeple whom I was helping. But they became use to him and now after 4 years, were teasing him through the apartment door when I was absence. (friends told me and his reaction when he passed them in the hall or outside) He was a kind dog and loves the kids and played ball with anyone.
So, not find a home for Pitch, and paying two apartments for 3 months, I had finally given notice I was moving. The date was apporaching and the only solution after trying 2 new owners, was to visit the vet with Pitch. (Today he is in the country with a nice family)
At the bank, on the morning of his visit, as I with drew the $120, he was attached to a tree on the sidewalk. With his ball, which he loved, he waited for me. When I came out; a gentleman of 70 was patting him and said how nice a dog he was. "I explained he was going to be put asleep because I could not find a home for him" He explained
"OH no.. He is so nice.. As I was walking passed him, he picked up his ball and dropped it at my feet. He wanted to play" "Yes he loves to play, especially with kids and his ball"
A long story short, the gentleman, explained how his son wanted a companion for their dog; and could I wait for Monday. (I explained, how hard this decision was, and I had prepared myself for 1 month for this. I was sure I could not wait..) He convinced me, and over the next 3 or 4 days, my fears were further justified as his son was afraid of a new dog not mixing in, How he, the gentleman, was willing to take him but they were so seldom home, How golfer friends had tried to adopted Pitch and he growled at her.. (she was not totally afraid of him)
So as I made another appointment, I began to relive the trip to the vet preparation and hurt.
Finally, a dear friend, whom I had help a few times, explained she had talked to her nephew and they had a farm and would take Pitch. The appointment for the vet was changed to have Pitch operated on and fixed as I was afraid of the new place not working and him being given to a animal shelter and ending up as a breading dog. (that is the worst live for a lovely companion)
A long story short. Over the next 3 weeks, to the end of lease date for Pitch's appartment, I prepared Pitch for the move. (I did not talk to him, or play with him, except to feed him and walk him) I was told to detatch him from me or he would never accept a new home.
The day of Shawns pickup of Pitch came. I took Pitch to the Golf course, for his regular walk but now I played with him. Threw his ball, had Shawn throw his ball, explained all the neat things he could do and after a 1/2 hour walk and sad goodbye; prepared to put him in the truck.
Mike, Shwan's father wanted to put pitch in the front seat with them.. I suggested in the back of the truck as I was sure , if he decided to want out, no one would be able to refused a 50 kilo black lab. But they argued and wanted him to be happy with his drive.
Talked to Shawn the following days, Pitch sat on the seat between them and look out the window. (he loved to drive in the car) when he got to the farm he jumped out, ran to say hi to the other two dogs and then discovered the farm. He connected immediately with the horse who was in an electric fenced area; and discovered to lower his tail to go see the horse.
Shawn explained how good he was but that he did not eat. I discovered he was not eating because they put out three bowls and when the other two dogs were finished they ate his food. I explained to Shawn, he would not touch food unless it was given to him, (which he sat and waited for) and told he could eat now. "Ok Enjoy it"
Thank you for reading this sad story, Today Pitch is on the farm and 1 year later, (I miss him greatly) he has adapted. I hope to have photos of him and his new family.
Please, don't let anyone take their dog to the Vet if you can help.. And God Bless Mike, Shawn, and all whom help to make Pitch welcome and at home.
Friday, November 04, 2005

Today is Tomorrow - Yes... Believe it or not, the world is so small with the internet that we can talk to poeple online; and they are living tomorrow. Living in Canada, we are a whole day behind Australia. (Photo from Yahoo Greetings)
Yahoo has a "Group mail" where like sending e-mail to several poeple at the same time; the members of Yahoo Groups find their e-mail being send to all the group members. This morning at 7am, I visited my Yahoo group, and checking my mail. I discovered an article about the Canadian sport in which I participate. Our national team was in Australia for a match competitions all day friday (today).
The Canadian national team had played Singles, Doubles and Triples against the Australian team , Friday morning and Friday afternoon.
Severeal australian fans were present for both games and two Yahoo group members had taken photos and collected the results. By 9pm on friday, 4th November 2005 in Australia, they were posted on the Sport's group site.
Now, here I am reading the game results at 7am in the morning. Yes, the morning games have yet to start and I have the results and photos hours before it actually happened.
Lets look at this one.
Invisible but true... Tomorrow is today in Australia. One would say that because of the internet, we can have photos and game results of a sport game before it has been played. Of course it has already been played and if all clocks of the world were set at the same time; it would be yesterday. But because 7am is when the sun rises, and as it raises here in Canada it has gone to bed in Australia and it is late night.
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