Monday, December 18, 2017

Laughing at Stupid Things

Monday morning and I'm sitting here on the bench  in the local Outdoor "Base de Plein Air" park
In the "Base de Plein Aire"
with  the falling snow. It's a light sprinkling snow, so everything is white  amd with the temperature  about -10,  it is beautiful.

I am happy I came out in this  small storm because as I sit here I can see over on the ice rink , in front of me,  a couple of young parents pulling their child on the toboggan. It reminds me  of how when my children were young we did those things as a family. Gisele made me  work at being a good father and  I still see my kids at that age in dreams and memories. Life is great as a new generation replaces us in the endless cycle of parent n Kids.
The Christmas Card which I am reading from my family member, ( because I have promised that I would read one sentence  a day), has brought me to this place and quite moment.

 This blog is about "Laughing at Stupid Things" because my Christmas card sender had talked about  happy times which she remembered sharing with me and her cousins. She comments how very much they laughed and how they enjoyed  time spend with me (their uncle who talked bad french) as kids. 

Well I guess I never stopped making people laugh because on my bench in the photo is a black bag which  I took to the park with a lunch and a bottle of coffee. Yes as I dictated to the tablet on the park bench for this blog I had my coffee.As I dictate, for my blog,  here in the park, many people are jogging or walking by. I'm happy to be here  on the outdoors bench.

 Of course I don't yet know the surprise I am to experience when I leave and go home on the bus later.  But I guess  now is a good place to mention it...  I didn't close the top of my coffee bottle tight, and while I was return home on the bus, I felt my underneath (bum) being wet. YES "WET" ???? No, at my age I still don't need diapers but I have over the years sat on a bus seat where a diaper did not catch it all.

Yes the bottle of coffee had open and all ran out over me. It had spilled all over me, and it after had run down into the single seat where I was sitting. Now, I am home on the computer, after walking in the cold with all the back of my pants wet and cold; (those pants are in the washer).  Sorry no photo available. ha ha  who would want to see a back view of me...(ass anyone) Being re-edited now....
As funny as this  might seem it's not very funny to the next person who's going to sit in that same seat on the bus. I told the bus driver, as I got off the bus that my bottle had open, but of course he won't do anything. Maybe he will report it on his Maintenance report. Today workers do the less they can.

In taking the above photo I had to put my tablet on timer and place it on a stump; so I guess this Christmas I will buy myself a tripod as a gift.

 I thank the many people that have shared life with me and  allowed me to be  part of their life. God bless you all and Merry Christmas. (dictated from the park bench and then copied to this blog)

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