Mind Set - Matters What we are thinking about and where our mind is SET can change what we think or hear. Seem stupid but invisible to us is how our minds prepares us for what we are going to receive. (photo www.coloradoyurt.com)
Like try thinking of how you must raise your arm to catch a tennis ball in you hand. Position it correctly for the receiving of the ball in the middle of the hand and close the hand around the ball as it hits the palm of our hand. Impossible to do but throw the ball to a friend and he will always be able to catch it with one hand... How? The mind does all the work.
Invisible to us.
I live in Quebec, and there are more french than english here. And of course the french language is not anything like english. masculine and feminine adjectives, articles and everything strange.
I know you do not want a French course. But imagine how our mind become prepared for the next word we hear. RED... what is next... yes an object RUN Get ready to go.. RUNNING going.
Would you believe that because of the masculine and feminine articles the french (speaking) individual does not even see humor the same.
We will play with words and wordplay will be the humor. (we laugh at the second meaning of the expression) French word play does not exist. Oh, yes, there are 7 types of Vert (glasses, glass, color,verse,toward) but they never seem to get a laugh out of something getting mixed up.
Also, once the mind is set to reveive a next word, the mind wants nothing more than that word. RED Foolish... still looks for a noun. We can't accept otherwise. I discovered this when talking with a 20 year long friend. I got the adjective mixed up and he could no way understand what I was saying. Vieux is masculine and Vieille is feminine
I was saying just two words Old Man "Vieux péré" with the word play of Péré being a religious order like monk.
My friend never married and we often called him the Pope.
But I got the adjective mixed and said "Vieille péré" No matter how I hard I tired to clearly pronounce "péré" he could not understand what I was saying.
In reality his mind was set to reveive a feminine word and he was fighting with the sound of Péré to find a feminine word which sounded like it. The "Vieille" had set the mind for the next word. Certainly an invisible world... How the mind forces us to see and hear what we expect.
A quick invisible world look.... did you ever wonder where these masculine and feminine ideas came from. Would you believe that the natives and older cilivizations were afraid of taboo caused by the women touching the man's tool. (See how you mind give you a different meaning because of women and man in the same sentence) The male believed that if the women touched his bow or weapon, the spirit of the wood or the spirit of the warrior collected in the weapon would be lost. Even when a women is in that time of the month, in some culture they are not allow to prepare food. In the americian Indian it was similar taboo. In some older languages it was even forbid for the women to use the word which described the weapon for fear it would cause a taboo and lose it power to protect the owner. So women has their own words for items which the men never spoke and the women likewise.
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