Missed but not forgotten - For you folks which have bookmarked my Blog and visited during the past 6 days.. (so sorry).. I will attempt to back order the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th 9th and today 10th.
I have justed passed a really bad week and between wanting to e-mail a classy lady and get ready for a trip home next week; I just forget to blog a little.
In the e-mail (to the classy lady), I send a photo of my companion of 5 years and thought I would use the blog for him. Pitch, my lab.
First, I had to leave him because, I had two appartments for 3 months, and the new one would not allow a dog. So Pitch had his own place, the old apartment. But the story of Pitch is how he saved his life by being kind to a old man.
He was being abused by residence of where I lived (4 floors of 2 1/2 slum appartments) and worked as a street worker with the poor and mentally challenged. He was left on the front step 4 years earlier and became a part of my work. However, the poeple whom I helped really need the help and I was available. I had lived with them, and now it was time to move on, after 6 years.
Being a large black lab, Pitch was very intimiding and allow me to bay off dealers and others very dangerous poeple, which are in the lives of these poeple whom I was helping. But they became use to him and now after 4 years, were teasing him through the apartment door when I was absence. (friends told me and his reaction when he passed them in the hall or outside) He was a kind dog and loves the kids and played ball with anyone.
So, not find a home for Pitch, and paying two apartments for 3 months, I had finally given notice I was moving. The date was apporaching and the only solution after trying 2 new owners, was to visit the vet with Pitch. (Today he is in the country with a nice family)
At the bank, on the morning of his visit, as I with drew the $120, he was attached to a tree on the sidewalk. With his ball, which he loved, he waited for me. When I came out; a gentleman of 70 was patting him and said how nice a dog he was. "I explained he was going to be put asleep because I could not find a home for him" He explained
"OH no.. He is so nice.. As I was walking passed him, he picked up his ball and dropped it at my feet. He wanted to play" "Yes he loves to play, especially with kids and his ball"
A long story short, the gentleman, explained how his son wanted a companion for their dog; and could I wait for Monday. (I explained, how hard this decision was, and I had prepared myself for 1 month for this. I was sure I could not wait..) He convinced me, and over the next 3 or 4 days, my fears were further justified as his son was afraid of a new dog not mixing in, How he, the gentleman, was willing to take him but they were so seldom home, How golfer friends had tried to adopted Pitch and he growled at her.. (she was not totally afraid of him)
So as I made another appointment, I began to relive the trip to the vet preparation and hurt.
Finally, a dear friend, whom I had help a few times, explained she had talked to her nephew and they had a farm and would take Pitch. The appointment for the vet was changed to have Pitch operated on and fixed as I was afraid of the new place not working and him being given to a animal shelter and ending up as a breading dog. (that is the worst live for a lovely companion)
A long story short. Over the next 3 weeks, to the end of lease date for Pitch's appartment, I prepared Pitch for the move. (I did not talk to him, or play with him, except to feed him and walk him) I was told to detatch him from me or he would never accept a new home.
The day of Shawns pickup of Pitch came. I took Pitch to the Golf course, for his regular walk but now I played with him. Threw his ball, had Shawn throw his ball, explained all the neat things he could do and after a 1/2 hour walk and sad goodbye; prepared to put him in the truck.
Mike, Shwan's father wanted to put pitch in the front seat with them.. I suggested in the back of the truck as I was sure , if he decided to want out, no one would be able to refused a 50 kilo black lab. But they argued and wanted him to be happy with his drive.
Talked to Shawn the following days, Pitch sat on the seat between them and look out the window. (he loved to drive in the car) when he got to the farm he jumped out, ran to say hi to the other two dogs and then discovered the farm. He connected immediately with the horse who was in an electric fenced area; and discovered to lower his tail to go see the horse.
Shawn explained how good he was but that he did not eat. I discovered he was not eating because they put out three bowls and when the other two dogs were finished they ate his food. I explained to Shawn, he would not touch food unless it was given to him, (which he sat and waited for) and told he could eat now. "Ok Enjoy it"
Thank you for reading this sad story, Today Pitch is on the farm and 1 year later, (I miss him greatly) he has adapted. I hope to have photos of him and his new family.
Please, don't let anyone take their dog to the Vet if you can help.. And God Bless Mike, Shawn, and all whom help to make Pitch welcome and at home.
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