Saturday, October 15, 2005

Pay the bill or else - There was a time, a long time ago, when we paid cash and the only bills we got were those we agreed to pay at a later date. Today, a lot of the business policy is to request of the customer an amount and expect it to be paid. If you are not in agreement, you are expected to pay or have services stopped; and request a refund later.
A local club, which had a small counter for softdrinks and snacks; was bringing sandwiches made by members and putting them with points of pizza for sale. They had the provincial sales tax number and were charging taxes on items they had purchased for resale.
However, when the provincial inspector passed, he question the cash register entries of $1.50 and $2.00 without taxes being charged. They were told the truth about the sandwiches and the points of pizza; and explained as the taxes were paid on the pizza it should not be taxed again.
Knowing there was a profit being made as a $4. pizza was cut into 4 pieces and sold for $2; the inspector advised that they would have to pay the taxes and collect the refund for what taxes they paid on the purchases of the pizza and sandwich.
So a bill for several thousand dollars arrived a few weeks later and when trying to communicate with the government the answer was always the same.
"Sir, you must pay the amount or lose your tax number. You can contest the decision, and with a lawyer argue your case to have it returned."
"This same thing happens with utility services who bill you and expect you to pay and afterward attempt to have a refund IF an error has been made. (And that is a big If)

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