Children friendly places - Some restaurants like McDonalds make their restuarant a place of "children friendly" services. But in this world of fast service, children are often missed by us and not seen as a profit by business; unless with their rich parents.
We often heard the expression "Children are to be seen and not heard" when I was growing up. However, the way children are treated by cashiers or store workers shows me that children are completely invisible.
As I waited in line behind three young children at the corner store, I was surprise to see twice, adults pass by myself and the children to go to the cash to purchase something. Once, ok the kids were slow on moving ahead. But the second time, the gentleman reached over the head of the first child and kept the child hidden down in front of him..
As I waited in line behind three young children at the corner store, I was surprise to see twice, adults pass by myself and the children to go to the cash to purchase something. Once, ok the kids were slow on moving ahead. But the second time, the gentleman reached over the head of the first child and kept the child hidden down in front of him..
Really, the child was squeezed between the counter and the man who was paying his purchase.
Are they that small that we do not see them. Are we so much in a hurry that these children don't matter.
Are they that small that we do not see them. Are we so much in a hurry that these children don't matter.
I understand that from the other side of the counter, it is hard to see the children by the worker; but to walk over them as if they are not there.
This is often the case in the life of children today. The place they play in society is not greeted with respect and consideration. Yes, it may be hard to watch a child learn to make change to pay for a treat. But remember, that 75 cents is probably to that child, as much money as one of our pay is to us. Would we be quick to write a check for $450 dollars.
I spoke up to the clerk, and explained that they should tell the customer that the child was waiting or before them. And I was surprise to hear the clerk say " Oh I am sure they didn't mind waiting"
Can we not all make an effort to include children in our adult world..
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