Edge of the Cliff - When I was working in Computer Management and Disaster Recovery; we had an expression. "So often we walk to the edge of Disaster and look over the cliff, and back away..only to forgot how close we came to falling"
Sometimes, blogs are written to release personal emotions and this blog the day after christmas was a long blog about the absence of friends at this time of reunion. However, several days afterward it was deleted to the above few lines.
Since that time, and on my birthday in January; I had one of those Disaster which will always be a memory. Today, the end of February, I am updating this blog with these comments.
On my birthday, as I came home from work and expected to go to dinner of "Fish and Chips" I had a fire in my kitchen which destroyed my apartment. Today, the end of february, I am into another apartment and that fire is history. (OR IS IT ??)
Today, I had to come home from work early because I had an emotion panic attack about that fire. It was that I thought I saw smoke (and I did smell smoke) coming out of a storage area and I called FIRE FIRE FIRE. But no one answered and I was surprise as I am sure that many had heard me. It was not a joke or false alarm. It was that my co-workers were cleaning out the large heating furnace and the sout and dust was picked up by the ventilation system and carried several Storage areas away. This created an appearance of smoke and certainly smelled fire.
So I saw smoke rolling out the top of the Delivery Bay doors and Yelled.. But no one came or answered and I had to go investigate myself..afterwhich, I then had to walk across the yard to another work area to get someone.. (although there were several poeple who certainly hear me call)
I came home from work early because at dinner I end thinking a lot and getting very upset of "What if there was a fire?" and in my kitchen fire I was trapped upstairs and then after the ambulance drive I spend overnight in the hospital for smoke inhaleation.
My following 10 days off work was filled with several recalls and the thought of how lucky I was to have got out of the apartment. So this recall and panic attack was really a serious recall of the events and no one answered because they all knew that the cleaning of the furnace causes that smell and appearance. But to me the fire was real..
So we do sometime remember how close we came to disaster.. (Updated 27th Feb 2009)