Having seen the computer network go from a local hub network (in the local area and you were a member of a Medium area LAN) to the development of sites which allow you to carry a "Network name"; I find this truthful... who are you network an advancement. Before, you only identify yourself by some unique name. (Springhiler for years) and indicated from which part of the country you call home. Of course, in your profile you were expected to tell all or what you wanted... But truthful...
Now, a Social Site like Facebook requires you to give your real name and real infromation, and they allow filters to prevent your non-friends to not find that information. ( AS I am learning the in and outs of Facebook's privacy options, I guess, when all is learned, I can be socially active and still maintain some level of privacy.
But Who is online looking (reading) your profile ? Absence of Comment or Saying nothing keeps you invisible to the facebook profile you are viewing. - Guess like being in a dark room full of poeple. If no-one speaks one might think they are alone there. Yes, we know that anyone can come in to the room as the door is always open and sit; I guess we therefore learn to be careful of what we say..
Guess, for too long with unidentified names, people have been free to be real idiots and feel no-one knows. I, therefore thank the presence of Comments in anything I do.. If it is not contre-idea I will leave it there. Destructive or attacking comments seldom get accepted. Yes, on Facebook, I have blocked some individuals. It is because I want my privacy and feel these people (whom I know personnally) only seek the profile information for their own destructive raison. I feel really bad putting someone on Block or Limited, when I know their only mistake is their choice of friends. But if I block someone, and they go onto facebook with a friend and are still viewing your Facebook profile; they are not respecting your original intentions. Maybe at times we are getting a little too concerned .
Facebook is like that Baseball Story "Field of Dreams and the saying.. "Build it and they will come"
Thank you for this another social experience. All it means is we must learn to adapt and associate within the limits we want or else leave the room.
(On the other hand, I realize that if someone is in the room and nothing is said; we don't even know they are present. "Maybe they want to stay in the dark" and maybe they are being sure before they say Hello. Our society has certainly made us a bit afraid of our shadow.
Watched a CSI movie recently, where the resturant was serving food in the dark and all the clients were in total darkness. Of course, someone got killed (hurted) Back to basics... Truth.. Open the lights or at least say Hi. to indicate you are present. (I take the liberty here to say thanks to Melissa who said Hi with a comment and I (sorry but for now anyway) limited block her) Good people don't do that to friends... and so... guess we have to learn to open doors slowly..
Facebook was ... signup... and began building... and whoops.. is that too personnal..??