Going and Coming - Seldom do we realize in our day to day rush to and from work that not everyone is on the same schedule as we are. During a early morning commute I realize that everyone is going (to work ) or coming (back from work) at this early hour.
I sat there alone in the seat with a place for someone else. But standing around me were several suits and lady's best. I was wondering why they did not sit and it dawn on me. Going and Comings do not mix.
I was coming back from a night's work and several of the standing were going to work. My work clothes, which were clean when I started work at 10pm the night before; was now rather dirty with flour (black pants) and even a shirt stain where some bakery filling has pushed up to my shirt front. Of course, I had worked 8 hours and certainly was also showing signs of it. (We don't even smell the same after 8 hours of work)
So these, just showered and now well dressed suits and lady's best were not going to take that empty seat and catch something. They would have happly sat with another morning commutor whom was starting work at 7:30 but not with the dirty (just finished work) labourer.