Read it before you Sign it
I finally brought home my 1987 Cadillac to Quebec, but because it could not be registered in my name in the province of Nova Scotia; my brother registered and held on to it for me.
Today with us all busy and rushing from one thing to another it becomes clear that we be careful what we sign. We seem to alway doing this or that before I leave for work. My brother has a 1997 Cadillac of the same color and when he sighed over the papers for me for my car, he made the mistake in the papers and signed me his 1997 Cadallic. Today I took the signed papers to the local registration office to register my 1987 cadallic (PHOTO) and discovered the mistake.
The value of the two cars are about $11,ooo difference. But worst of all, he is now driving a car without it being registered in the province and if stopped can have it removed from the road immediately. Have you ever been stopped and could not drive away afterward.. Anothe blog (Anyway, He would have been in trouble, if he had mailed in the notification of changement of ownership like he should have last week)
But, as luck would have it and he was in a hurry to sign the paper; he also was too busy to mail in the paper to the government. (Ok that was only 5 days ago, and as I talked to him minutes ago, he still has the papers to mail)
Guess one can say "two wrongs makes for a right" Today, will all now fixed, because he did not send in the paper; all I must do is wait until I receive the new registration or transfer of ownership.
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