Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year 2007 -Well 2007 is here. In this blog about strange things which seems to happen, or a look at invisible view of our life or culture; I wonder what next year will bring.
During 2006 I wrote about every month for more than 30 entries. A lot of personal imformation, I tried to indicate where we close our eyes to what is happening.Or sometimes we want to be not seen by others. To be in harmony with one's self requires that we be honest with ourself and others.
If I can wish you a New Year wish, it would be "May you see the truth and close your eyes to all other deceptions"
Two Did you know views for the end of this year. 1- Way everyone celebrates the old year and 2 - Old days Happy New Years.
Old Year out- as to New Year In. As my grilfriend is excited to find tickets to the New Years Bash I have been changed by my years of living in Québec. Every Decembre 31 evening, I sat with friends and family and watched Byebye. Until the Broadcast companies claimed that the contents were attacking important people, we watched humorous attacks on events that had happen in the previous year. 'Laugh at it' became the rage for closing the old year. I now go a bit further as today I spend all evening registering on VSH the best of 2006 in Music...(first the CMT Country Music, and now the MMM top 50) So we can celebrate the new year or capture the best of the old year.
My New Years as 6 year old in 1950 - In the small coal mining town of Springhill, Nova Scotia it was the importance of good luck and fortune that made New Years important. Where a family member could be killed in the Coal mines, the first child to arrive at the door and wish a 'Happy NewYears' received his 25cents and the meaning of luck he/she brought. If it was a boy who arrived first on the day, it brought good luck and protection; while if it was a girl, she brought good health and Recovery. Each child to arrive at the door received some sort of money. We were poor and the 25cents or 10 cents all one house after another added up to a few dollars. And no one knew if they were the first or not because they always received something. Yes the first to arrive received a bigger donation but to not pay the others would have meant noone came the following years. Happy New Years... oh thank you... 10 cents... (even the very poor gave a cent)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Guiding us in life. "Our destiny is defined" we hear people say. That we have no choice with what happens to us. Well, this is a good question or idea and this entry is to give thought toward it. For more than two decade I have been living the beliefs of the American Indian. No this does not conflict with the belief of Christianity. The basic belief of the followings of beliefs like "Seven Arrows" (Sioux) is "Self-harmony, Harmony with others, and Environment Harmony. The Almighty is still there but guiding the spirit in different ways. Well, twice I have cut my ponytail when I have discovered a period of extreme lost of harmony and recently I met a wonderful women whom I seem to connect with. I knew little about her except what information we exchanged on the web, but the magic was there.
As I approach the date of a long trip to meet this person, I discovered that she was a Canadian Native people (Ojibway). There are many natives living of the reservation and intergrated into society; but not all are near the beliefs that I have. These "apples" as they are called because their skin is red but their hearts are white; attempt to be accepted as whites. But we did also connect on that level. Yes one would think that a Christian should look for support on a Christian Level; but following Christ is not just Bible thumping.
We have met and began to share many interest like long walks in the woods, shared attitudes toward life and a harmony in living.
Now to get to the point of "Guiding me" or destiny. As I prepared to visited my new friend a few miles from her reserve, I looked for a publication on Ojibway which I had photocopied 10 or 12 years ago when I was working with natives at a crisis centre for violence. I found it and of course I would have to take the Video Cassette of Gray Owl which I had for several years. I thought would be fun to watch together.
It turns out that the Life of the character "Gray Owl" turned around her reserve of the small island of "Bear Island" and some of her cousins are descendant's of Gray Owl. I had always known that I would not be interest in meeting a native whom wanted a white man to get of the reserve. But as I discovered my friend, Dorty, I found that she was wanting in knowing her culture and spiritual beliefs. We seem to connect and I loved that Native Laugh. (There is a joke which whites donot understand. At a native bingo when someone begins laughing about something, everyone starts to laugh. Yes half of the bingo hall is laughing and not know "WHY?")
After her first visit here to my place, we went for a walk in the woods and I was surprised how her spirit (which natives believe are guided by their ancestors) was so alive. A wild bird came to within a foot of her and just sat on the tree and with turning head looked at her. Even during this walk we had a doe reply to a fawn danger call I had made. It was unbelievable.
Destiny... ?? Well, during the last years although I had continual to greet the morning; (a morning pray to thanks for life) I had not worked on my harmony. Now I was working in a new way. As a guide for a lost spirit toward her spirit life and also a renewal of my harmony.
Where we go is maybe our choice, but someone is setting the right tools in our path if we are going in a good way. So to day I am on the path toward a "Anishinabek" (A good person as the Ojibway call their equivalent of a Christian).

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

LOVE IS A ROSE - Title of song by Nana Mouskouri, on an old 8 track cassette, plays regularly when I relax. My old 1950 MORSE Electrophonic player with its light-flashing speakerpanel front, does justice to this ancient music. That cassette has been playing for 10 years here, and maybe 40 years before and often after an hours of continual loop playing; I wonder what I will do when the BOT (Beginning of Tape) sensor abandons the tape.
As a young women, or beautiful lady, have you recieved flowers admiringly. What color, with or w/o thorns, what mix and with what accessories flowers.
I just send a dozen which were all red except for 2 white and with babybuttons (small white flowers (Baby's Breath - Everlasting Love) The meaning intended is " in the sea of True love are two pure souls (the babybuttons are stars) As the flowers bloom and our love grows we will stand strong and be seen be all to last forever". (the white roses (us) stand out of the bouquet)
Each flower has its meaning and where Love is concern the Rose is considered the story of Love. Sweetheart roses is suppose to be for the beginning love (Growers site says "Beauty and Youth, A Heart Innocent of Love" ; while the larger types of Roses are for the love from years of development. (I Love You, Perfect Happiness, Always, Love at First Sight, Joy and Gladness, Please Believe Me, Love and Desire, Friendship, Unity and Warmth of Heart)
In our invisible world we never know the real raison for such a gift, but if you had been raised where a lot of the household revenue came from the Greenhouse with flowers for spring planting and the Florists; you would have learned about roses. And beside.. even not knowing the meaning they make the heart smile.
The Rose is the perfect flower of love because arrives with it pedals closed tight. Remainding us how we are so careful of our feelings or expressing our new love. We hide away real emotion and tender expression, like the rose draw those pedals tight. From these tight protected and pointed self we discover our hidden self, and our love begans to open to expression. Like the rose with it round distribution of rose pedals, our love touches every side of our relationship. Slowly over days, (years for our love) this beautiful thing (rose or Love) opens toward it maximun beautiful. How lovely it is to know this and watch the rose open over days.
Flowers, have such a short life cycle compared to us. But they are born, bloom, show their maximun beautiful and whitter and die. Does our love likewise eventually whitter and die ?
Yes, the newness and the continual excitement of joy does; but it is up to each individual if their love lives for ever or whitter. Like care to the bouquet of roses, the love which one developes must also be cultured. Watered with sprinkles of kindness and tenderness, The Stems have to be cut every four or 5 days to let them collect water; and so also we must cut our stems of love. How..Have you make sacrifices for your love. Cut away the excess spending or self to prove how much you appreciate and love. The water of love is these sacrifices and often we need to cut
deep into our selfishness.
Of course you never let the rose completely die as a Bouquet of withered flowers means "Rejected love". The bouquet should be dried at the 5 or 6th day when it begans to lower it pedals. Hung upside down (stems well tired) and the perserve with something like HairSpray)
Of course if they die immediately it suggest that the love is dying too.. (a little care will prevent that)
And Roses are perfect pain givers when a thorn finds it way into your hand. Of course no man would want his love to receive the roses and prick her self on the thorns. Therefore, sometime, a florist will see the man slowly remove all the thorns from the roses. Yes, It does happen. I have often done this. Unless it is the first time you give the roses. (Then the roses are the beauty of the love and the thorns are the warning to becareful.. "Love can be painful".)
Of course the colors are also important for the meaning of the rose too... An invisible world... I hope this has made it more visible..
Rose (general)(Red) - Love ; I love you
Rose( white) - Eternal Love ; innocence; heavenly; secrecy and silence
Rose(pink) - Perfect happiness; please believe me
Rose(Yellow) - Friendship ; jealousy; try to care
Rose(Black) -Death
Rose(red and white) - Together; unity
Rose(thornless) - Love at first sight
Rose( single, full bloom) - I love you; I still love you
Rose bud - Beauty and youth ; a heart innocent of love
Rose bud(red) - Pure and lovely
Rose bud(white) - Girlhood
Rosebud (moss) - Confessions of love
Roses(Bouquet of full bloom) - Gratitude
Roses( Garland or crown of) - Beware of virtue; reward of merit; crown ; symbol of superior merit
Roses ( musk cluster) - Charming
Rose(tea) - I'll always remember
Rose(cabbage) - Ambassador of love
Rose(Christmas) - Tranquilize my anxiety; anxiety
Rose(damask) - Brilliant complexion
Rose(dark crimson) - Mourning
Rose(hibiscus) - Delicate beauty

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Going and Coming - Seldom do we realize in our day to day rush to and from work that not everyone is on the same schedule as we are. During a early morning commute I realize that everyone is going (to work ) or coming (back from work) at this early hour.
I sat there alone in the seat with a place for someone else. But standing around me were several suits and lady's best. I was wondering why they did not sit and it dawn on me. Going and Comings do not mix.
I was coming back from a night's work and several of the standing were going to work. My work clothes, which were clean when I started work at 10pm the night before; was now rather dirty with flour (black pants) and even a shirt stain where some bakery filling has pushed up to my shirt front. Of course, I had worked 8 hours and certainly was also showing signs of it. (We don't even smell the same after 8 hours of work)
So these, just showered and now well dressed suits and lady's best were not going to take that empty seat and catch something. They would have happly sat with another morning commutor whom was starting work at 7:30 but not with the dirty (just finished work) labourer.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Read it before you Sign it
I finally brought home my 1987 Cadillac to Quebec, but because it could not be registered in my name in the province of Nova Scotia; my brother registered and held on to it for me.
Today with us all busy and rushing from one thing to another it becomes clear that we be careful what we sign. We seem to alway doing this or that before I leave for work. My brother has a 1997 Cadillac of the same color and when he sighed over the papers for me for my car, he made the mistake in the papers and signed me his 1997 Cadallic. Today I took the signed papers to the local registration office to register my 1987 cadallic (PHOTO) and discovered the mistake.
The value of the two cars are about $11,ooo difference. But worst of all, he is now driving a car without it being registered in the province and if stopped can have it removed from the road immediately. Have you ever been stopped and could not drive away afterward.. Anothe blog (Anyway, He would have been in trouble, if he had mailed in the notification of changement of ownership like he should have last week)
But, as luck would have it and he was in a hurry to sign the paper; he also was too busy to mail in the paper to the government. (Ok that was only 5 days ago, and as I talked to him minutes ago, he still has the papers to mail)
Guess one can say "two wrongs makes for a right" Today, will all now fixed, because he did not send in the paper; all I must do is wait until I receive the new registration or transfer of ownership.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Don't be too patriotic. Here in Québec, Canada le patriotism applies only to Québecois. A 138$ fine to a Canadian of Greek decendant, whom painted the Greek flag on his garage door.
Last week, the local french newspaper "Journal de Montreal" ran an article about Theodore Antonopoulos of Pierrefond who was fined $138 by the city for his pride in his nationality. After the success of Greece in the European Cup and the soccer world, Mr. Antonopoulos painted the greek flag on his garage door.
"It took me two months to paint that" said Mr. Antonopoulos saids of the full size greek flag on his garage door. "It took me the time, but it was beautiful".
The Soccer games were played in July and the painting was finished in September. So when a local public servant passed at Mr. Antonopoulos residence and presented him with the city fine for his masterpiece, he was extremely suprise.
The city spokeman quoted a law of the suburb which says that it is forbidden for all signs, designs, emblems, logos or drapeau (Flags) painted or reproduced on residential buildings which can be considered as publicities or in order to make known other facts. (translated from Journal de Montreal, 4 April,2006)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Does a friend ask for a Loan -
Last week was the end of the month and a lot on fixed income..(welfare, retired etc) find the end of the month hard. I know of an individual whom will lend $20 for that last week of the month but charges $8 and must be paid when the check arrives on the 1st.. Paid on the 2nd and no change to borrow the next month.
As a friend, I understand the problem.. Invisible is the need for the money, the truth. Yes a lot of raisons given but what is the truth. Even family members will borrow. It is good to be there to help friends and family, but does it help to lean money. Will it come to be an habit ? It is better to go buy what is needed and give the bill for later paying..??
Invisible is the circuit of friends and family whom the person has to borrow from. Where are you on that circuit. Easily to ask, easily to be slow to pay, easily to con..? Invisible is the actual truth of borrowed and lending. Does a friend ask for money, or does a friend lean money?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Invisible Knife Point - Invisible rights if kept invisible.
Thursday last, the Supreme Court of Canada, in an 8-0 judgment ruled that a Montreal school board went too far in imposing a blanket ban on the wearing of Sikh ceremonial daggers, known as a kirpan, by students.
In 2002, a Quebec Superior Court judge ruling said That Gurbaj Singh could carry the kirpan under certain conditions - for example, if he kept it sewn into a cloth envelope to be worn beneath his clothing; - Photo The Oct 28, 2005) NOTE This is another story in 2005 - A Sikh man, Balpreet Singh, after another passenger had complained about his kirpan was taken off a Via Rail train as he was about to travel home to Toronto. "I consider that one of my fundamental freedoms ... [and my] freedom of religion is being infringed." This case unlike the private school board, was taken to the Ontario Human Rights Commissionin, because the Crown corporation Via Rail won't let him wear his ceremonial dagger on its trains.
"To be led off a train that's filled ... [is] absolutely humiliating," said the first-year law student at the University of Ottawa. Singh, 24, says he wears the kirpan for religious reasons. He says he is never without it, even while attending class.
"This is essentially one of the signs of the Sikh faith," he said. "It's absolutely required. I'm never apart from this, whether I'm sleeping or whatever. It's basically considered part of my body".
The Supreme Court's case of Gurbaj Singh Multani, started in 2001 when he was then aged 12, first wore his kirpan to school. After Margueriite-Bourgeoys school board officials tried to work out a compromise that would allow him to continue wearing the religious emblem., but with some conditions for the sake of safety.
This approach was overruled by the school boards governing and then they imposed a total ban.
The Supreme Court judgment is confined to school situations and does not apply to other areas, where as most airlines once allowed passengers to wear kirpans with blades no longer than 10 centimetres. Following the security crackdown that followed the 9-11, however, Transport Canada decreed a country-wide ban. Where the canadian Sikh MPs can wear his kirpans in the House of Commons and visitors can wear them in the public galleries; trial judges in some provinces have banned them from their courtrooms although it's all right to wear kirpans in the Supreme Court of Canada. National Post, Jim Brown March 2,2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

How Smart are you ? -
Well the photo (screen capture) is a quiz of

IQ and the question is "Which one of the 5 choices makes the best comparison? Lived is to Devil as 6323 is to 2336, 6232, 3226, 3326, 6332

Lets think about this. Lived means dead (pass tense) is to Devil means person of evil (alive or not) So Lived is to Alive (opposite to dead) is to God is to Devil. Still have not even began to think about the numbers. Or is the logic reversed. Lived (not now living) is to Devil ( not now living)

Now for 6323 to be 3236 (reverse of 6323) the only reversed in Lived is to Devil is if you are dead and the Devil is alive which is not true. Unless it is reversed to say you lived and the devil did not ever lived.

Ok so now I got it ... L I V E D is reversed to D E V I L as 6323 is reverse of 3236. Guess I have a small IQ..

Now I think I got lost with the numbers are associated with the devil, example 66's or 99's or something like that; and started to think that numbers would have to be associated with lived of which the only number is 6 (6 feet under)

Guess I should have stayed away... or invisible..