Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

As I approach the date of a long trip to meet this person, I discovered that she was a Canadian Native people (Ojibway). There are many natives living of the reservation and intergrated into society; but not all are near the beliefs that I have. These "apples" as they are called because their skin is red but their hearts are white; attempt to be accepted as whites. But we did also connect on that level. Yes one would think that a Christian should look for support on a Christian Level; but following Christ is not just Bible thumping.
We have met and began to share many interest like long walks in the woods, shared attitudes toward life and a harmony in living.
Now to get to the point of "Guiding me" or destiny. As I prepared to visited my new friend a few miles from her reserve, I looked for a publication on Ojibway which I had photocopied 10 or 12 years ago when I was working with natives at a crisis centre for violence. I found it and of course I would have to take the Video Cassette of Gray Owl which I had for several years. I thought would be fun to watch together.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rose( white) - Eternal Love ; innocence; heavenly; secrecy and silence
Rose(pink) - Perfect happiness; please believe me
Rose(Yellow) - Friendship ; jealousy; try to care
Rose(Black) -Death
Rose(red and white) - Together; unity
Rose(thornless) - Love at first sight
Rose( single, full bloom) - I love you; I still love you
Rose bud - Beauty and youth ; a heart innocent of love
Rose bud(red) - Pure and lovely
Rose bud(white) - Girlhood
Rosebud (moss) - Confessions of love
Roses(Bouquet of full bloom) - Gratitude
Roses( Garland or crown of) - Beware of virtue; reward of merit; crown ; symbol of superior merit
Roses ( musk cluster) - Charming
Rose(tea) - I'll always remember
Rose(cabbage) - Ambassador of love
Rose(Christmas) - Tranquilize my anxiety; anxiety
Rose(damask) - Brilliant complexion
Rose(dark crimson) - Mourning
Rose(hibiscus) - Delicate beauty
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006

Thursday, March 02, 2006

"This is essentially one of the signs of the Sikh faith," he said. "It's absolutely required. I'm never apart from this, whether I'm sleeping or whatever. It's basically considered part of my body".
This approach was overruled by the school boards governing and then they imposed a total ban.
Monday, February 27, 2006

IQ and the question is "Which one of the 5 choices makes the best comparison? Lived is to Devil as 6323 is to 2336, 6232, 3226, 3326, 6332
Lets think about this. Lived means dead (pass tense) is to Devil means person of evil (alive or not) So Lived is to Alive (opposite to dead) is to God is to Devil. Still have not even began to think about the numbers. Or is the logic reversed. Lived (not now living) is to Devil ( not now living)
Now for 6323 to be 3236 (reverse of 6323) the only reversed in Lived is to Devil is if you are dead and the Devil is alive which is not true. Unless it is reversed to say you lived and the devil did not ever lived.
Ok so now I got it ... L I V E D is reversed to D E V I L as 6323 is reverse of 3236. Guess I have a small IQ..
Now I think I got lost with the numbers are associated with the devil, example 66's or 99's or something like that; and started to think that numbers would have to be associated with lived of which the only number is 6 (6 feet under)
Guess I should have stayed away... or invisible..