Internet reveals all - I am taking the time to write
this blog before going to bed (work in 3 hours)
because it is an invisible world what the
internet can reveal of you. (personal note: Very Sorry Shirley)
I did not mean to do any injustice but was curious as to what the internet would tell me about a friend whom answered my inquiry on a online dating service. Her e-mail was unique (AVCname.shaw) so I did a google or other search of AVCname.
Being an honest person, I told her in an e-mail all that I had discovered. I have not heard from her since. But it is strange how just an e-mail can reveal so much. First the name of AVCname was only used three times. Her, a gentleman in California and a Russian. So I discovered she worked hard at two ventures. A on-line product sales and a support service for kids. I also discovered other things which I will mention late.
Using the unique e-mail address I was able to get the phone number and address of the on-line sales. But by doing a reverse on the telephone under Yellow.ca I was able to get the home address and the name under which the telephone is listed.
I just wanted to learn about this individual, but the internet put me at her door. Address, telephone number etc. Even it suggested she was the child of a Australian family of 12.. Guess that was an error.
In all honesty, I told her what the search had revealed. I think that the internet is very dangerous as even the little registration can be located.
As an example, I can place a monitor on this blog and know whom reads it and from where they come. If they return or if they came from another page before. Each internet connection has an IP address which is supplied by your ISP (internet service provider) and this tells the viewer where you are. Ok where your ISP is located.
Dear friends, the invisible world is too much information leads to revealing a lot about you.
To be safe...
Do not have a unique login name... j.smith3425 is better than AVCname
Do not give too much detail... Example Yahoo members or MSN members can tell a lot
Do not give your phone number of if you must... Do not give the attachment name which allows someone to come to this telephone number
There are a lot of free e-mail providers Like Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN and others which allow you to read mail without being identified.
Use alias e-mails where possible... these e-mails send the mail to your mail box but give their name. ex smith@someting sends the mail to j.smith@rocket.net
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